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Creating an sql file for Savoury tarts 2020122404

INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="2.00", unit="", ingredient="hard boiled eggs", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="160.00", unit="g", ingredient="short crust pastry", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="25.00", unit="g", ingredient="butter", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="25.00", unit="g", ingredient="flour", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="150.00", unit="g", ingredient="can evaporated milk", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="105.00", unit="g", ingredient="fresh or frozen prawns, peeled", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="55.00", unit="g", ingredient="peas, cooked", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="0.00", unit="", ingredient="Salt and pepper to taste", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2020122404", amount="1.00", unit="", ingredient="dessertspoon lemon juice", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipeme` SET rcode="2020122404", cat1="Pies", cat2="uk", recipetitle="Savoury tarts", serves="4", thistime="00:40:00", method="Shell and chop hard-boiled eggs roughly. Thaw & roll out pastry thinly.Cut out 12# tartlet cases with a 75mm fluted cutter. Use to line patty tins. Bake blind in a moderately hot 190 C oven for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the butter, stir in the flour and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Remove from the heat, add evaporated milk made up to 1/4 litre with water. Return to heat & cook for a further few minutes, stirring. Add chopped hard boiled egg, half the prawns and the cooked peas. Stir in seasoning to taste and lemon juice. Use more lemon juice if wanted. Pour filling into empty tartlet cases. To decorate, top the tartlets with reserved prawns. (Note: fillings can be varied ie with ham replacing prawns and mushrooms replacing egg).", comment="", source1="Hamlyn all colour cookbook 1970-1979", source2="", thisimage="201223-hacc-savourytarts.jpg", entered="2020-12-24", lastupdate="2020-12-24";

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 23rd December, 2020, 10:05