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Creating an sql file for Plain Cake 2008010104

INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="3.00", unit="oz", ingredient="margarine", comment="or other fat (6 Tbs.) 3-4 oz.";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="8.00", unit="oz", ingredient="plain flour", comment="1.5 cups";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="6.00", unit="oz", ingredient="castor sugar", comment="0.75 cups, 4-6 oz.";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="3.00", unit="", ingredient="eggs", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="0.00", unit="", ingredient="Flavouring", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="2.00", unit="tsp", ingredient="baking powder", comment="2-3 tsp.";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="0.00", unit="", ingredient="pinch of salt", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2008010104", amount="0.25", unit="pt", ingredient="Milk", comment="to mix, this quantity or less";
INSERT INTO `recipeme` SET rcode="2008010104", cat1="Cakes", cat2="", recipetitle="Plain Cake", serves="0", thistime="01:15:00", method="Temperature 180degC 350degF. Mark 4. Quantities for a 7-inch tin: Measures level. The use of 6 oz. sugar is specially recommended if the smaller amount of fat is to be used, as extra sugar helps to make the cake soft and moist. Alternatively use 4 oz. Sugar (1/2 c.) and 2 oz. syrup or honey (2 level Tbs.). The flour may have some cornflour, arrowroot, or soya-flour mixed with it as described in No.652. Mix to a soft cake consistency by the Creaming Method, No.663, or the Rubbing in Method, No.662. Bake in greased and floured tins.", comment="", source1="Penguin Cookery Book; Bee Nilson", source2="666", thisimage="", entered="2008-01-02", lastupdate="2019-01-27";

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 23rd December, 2020, 10:05