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Creating an sql file for Cucumber salad 2019020214

INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="1.00", unit="", ingredient="Cucumber", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="0.50", unit="tsp", ingredient="Salt", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="1.00", unit="tbsp", ingredient="White wine vinegar", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="0.50", unit="tsp", ingredient="sugar", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="1.00", unit="", ingredient="clove garlic, crushed", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="1.00", unit="", ingredient="Red chili, thinly sliced", comment="Discard seeds";
INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020214", amount="1.00", unit="", ingredient="Small onion, sliced", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipeme` SET rcode="2019020214", cat1="Vegetables", cat2="id", recipetitle="Cucumber salad", serves="6", thistime="00:00:00", method="Peel and halve cucumber lengthways. Scoop out seeds with a teaspoon and cut cucumber into thin crescents. Sprinkle with salt and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Drain well. Blend vinegar, sugar and garlic. Pour over cucumber and top with chili and onion rings.", comment="", source1="FL foreignflair", source2="", thisimage="", entered="2019-02-02", lastupdate="2020-12-22";

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 23rd December, 2020, 10:05