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Creating an sql file for Spinach ravioli 2019020225

INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020225", amount="250.00", unit="g", ingredient="Home-made pasta", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipeme` SET rcode="2019020225", cat1="Pasta", cat2="it", recipetitle="Spinach ravioli", serves="5", thistime="00:00:00", method="250 g home-made pasta (see above); 150 g ricotta or cream cheese; 150 g cooked spinach, drained and finely chopped; 3 - 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese; 2 egg yolks; salt and freshly ground black pepper and grated nutmeg to taste. SAUCE: 250 ml cream; 2 - 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan; salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Serves 4 - 6. Divide pasta in half and roll both pieces into identical paper thin rectangles. FILLNG: Mix all ingredients and season well. Drop small teaspoonfuls of filling (about 3 cm apart) in neat rows on one piece of pasta. Brush the area between with a little water or beaten egg and arrange remaining pasta piece carefully on top. Using a pastry cutter, carefuly cut between the mounds to give little squares containing filling. Press edges firmly to seal. Set aside for about 1 hour. To cook, drop ravioli into lightly boiling salted water and cook for 7 - 10 minutes until dough is tender. Drain well. SAUCE: Gently heat cream with cheese and seasoning. pour over ravioli and serve. ", comment="", source1="FL foreignflair", source2="", thisimage="", entered="2019-02-02", lastupdate="2020-12-22";

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 23rd December, 2020, 10:05