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Creating an sql file for Spinach pasties 2019020304

INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020304", amount="500.00", unit="g", ingredient="Bread dough, flaky or shortcrust pastry", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipeme` SET rcode="2019020304", cat1="Pies", cat2="gr", recipetitle="Spinach pasties", serves="0", thistime="00:00:00", method="500 g bread dough, flaky or shortcrust pastry; 1 kg spinach, cooked and drained; 2 onions, chopped; 3 tablespoons salad oil or butter; salt and freshly ground black pepper; 1 tea­spoon ground cumin; 50 g walnuts, chopped; 250 g mature Cheddar cheese; 1 egg yolk. Makes 8 - 12. Fry onion gently in oil until golden. Turn into a bowl Drain spinach and mix with onion. Season well with salt, pepper and cumin. Fry nuts in fat left over from onions and add to the mixture with diced or coarsely grated cheese Roll out dough as thinly as possible and cut into 8-cm squares or circles. Spoon a knob of filling into middle of each piece. moisten edges and fold pastry over to make pasties. Press edges well together. Brush with egg beaten with little water and bake until light and golden, or deep fry in hot fat. Serve immediately with sour cream. ", comment="Spanakopitakia. Makes 8-12", source1="FL foreignflair", source2="", thisimage="", entered="2019-02-03", lastupdate="2020-12-22";

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 23rd December, 2020, 10:05