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Creating an sql file for Ice cream souffle Grand Marnier 2019020318

INSERT INTO `recipein` SET icode="2019020318", amount="4.00", unit="", ingredient="Eggs", comment="";
INSERT INTO `recipeme` SET rcode="2019020318", cat1="Desserts", cat2="fr", recipetitle="Ice cream souffle Grand Marnier", serves="7", thistime="00:00:00", method="4 eggs, separated; 3 tablespoons water; 250 g castor sugar; 300 ml thick cream; 150 ml Grand Marnier; 4 tablespoons powdered drinking chocolate. Serves 6 - 8. Place water and half the sugar in a saucepan and heat gently until sugar has dissolved. Bring to the boil and cook until a thick syrup forms (a thread should form from a teaspoon dipped in the syrup). Pour over yolks and beat until thick. Whip cream until stiff. Place egg whites and remaining sugar in a bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and beat until thick and peaks form. Carefully fold into egg yolks. Finally fold in cream and liqueur. Pour into a 750-m1 soufflé dish with a 5-cm collar made from foil or greaseproof paper. Freeze for at least 24 hours. Dust with chocolate.", comment="", source1="FL foreignflair", source2="", thisimage="201223-flff-icecreamsouffle.jpg", entered="2019-02-03", lastupdate="2020-12-23";

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 23rd December, 2020, 10:05