DY OMNI recipes: recipe view


Steak and Kidney Pudding

Preparation time 04:50:00


450 g skirt beef stewing steak


For the filling:
450g. skirt beef stewing steak
105g. ox kidney
25g. seasoned flour
1 onion, peeled and chopped
For the pastry:
225g. self-raising flour
level teaspoon salt
105g. shredded suet
8 tablespoons cold water

Cut steak in 1-inch cubes. Remove skin, core and fat from kidney then cut into 1-inch pieces. Coat the steak with seasoned flour.
Sieve flour and salt for pastry into a bowl. Stir in suet, then add enough water to make a fairly soft dough. Roll out two-thirds of pastry to a circle large enough to line a greased 1-litre pudding basin. Roll out the remaining pastry to a circle the size of the top of the basin.
Put steak, kidney, and onion in alternate layers in basin, then add sufficient water to come within 1-inch of the top of the basin. Moisten edges of pastry `lid` and press firmly on top. Cover with lid of greaseproof paper, then cover with a lid of foil; both pleated to allow for expansion. Steam or boil the pudding for 4.5 hours, topping up with boiling water as
Entered 2020-12-23

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 2nd May, 2022, 09:19