DY OMNI recipes: recipe view


Strawberry shortcakes


225 g self-raising flour


225g self-raising flour; 1 teaspoon salt; 80g. butter; 25g. castor sugar; 1 egg; 4 tablespoons milk; milk to glaze
For the filling:
0.5 litre double cream
1 rounded tablespoon icing sugar, sieved
225g. strawberries, hulled

Sift together flour and salt and rub in butter. Beat the egg with the milk. Add sugar and mix to a soft, but not sticky, dough with egg and milk.
Turn out on to a lightly floured table, knead quickly until smooth, then roll out to 1/2-inch thickness. Cut into 6 rounds with a 3.5-inch plain cutter. Place on a greased baking tray and brush tops with milk. Bake in a hot 200 C oven for 10-12 minutes. Cool on a wire tray but, whilst still warm, split each shortcake in half by pulling carefully apart and not cutting with a knife.
To serve, slice strawberries keeping 6 whole for decoration. Whip the cream and sweeten with icing sugar. Sandwich shortcakes together with cream and sliced strawberries. Dust tops with icing sugar and decorate serving plate with whole strawberries.

Entered 2020-12-24

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Made by David Alexander Young 2005-2024. Programme updated 2nd May, 2022, 09:19