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Seminar Contents
Seminar commences
Joao Barroso: Tema-Desafios aos educadores e Arquitectos : as inovacties no ensino e na aprendizagem e a Arquitectura para a Educacao" / Theme-"Demands made on educators and architects: innovation in teaching and learning and architecture for education. [text not supplied] Miguel Angel Santos Guerra: El Espacio Como Factor Educativo [summary supplied only] Jerry Lawrence: The school within a school and beyond [text not supplied] Marisa Weber Alves: Percepcao da Arquitectura e do Urbanismo — uma aproximacao c/ o ensino nas classes John Castellana: Is Your High School Too Big Jan Dolesji: Renovation in thinking, renovation in architecture [text not supplied] Zeev Druckman: Is the Library an option of understanding being in the World? [text not supplied]
-Seminar session 2 Betty Politi: Tema-As novas tecnologias, a sociedade contemporfinea e a globalizacao: 0 dimensionamento, o caracter, o destino e o desenho dos edificios educativos e culturais / Theme-New technologies, contemporary society, and globalisation: size, character, destiny and design of educational and cultural buildings [text not supplied] Erik Schotte: Integration of (new) technical concepts in architecture [summary supplied only] Jeff Floyd: Creating a Global School for Business for the 21st Century Gavriella Nussbaum: Public Buildings, Educational Areas: School Upgrading William Ainsworth: Urban dereliction to cultural regeneration
-Seminar session 3 Rita Vaz: A arquitectura dos edificios publicos no centro e na periferia - S. Paulo - alguns exemplos / Some examples of public buildings in the city centre and suburbs - S. Paulo [Summary] Lajos Jeney: Learning in educational and cultural spaces. The Hungarian Scene from 1990 to our day Randall Fielding: School Construction News and Design Share Awards 2001 [Text not supplied] Helena Barranha: O Museu de Arte Contemporcinea - espaco dinamico e interactivo Frid Buehler: The new role of educational and cultural buildings in a transformed city structure
-Seminar session 4 Bruce Jilk: A framework for life long learning and the Community Context Jadille Baza & Rodolfo Almeida: New educational spaces for the Chilean Educational Reform Lourdes Melendez & Eduardo Millan: Cost efficiency in the construction of public school facilities. Results Janusz Wlodarczyk: The synergy of Existing School Space with Various public spaces for Permanent Learning [Summary] Anton Schweighofer: Return to the Future – Back to Public Spaces
-Seminar session 5 Manuel Correia Fernandes: [Text not supplied] Nelson Izquierdo: New Educational Facilities in Bogota; Public Spaces for Life Long Learning Vladimir Damianov: The City Like Classroom [Text not supplied] Jeff Floyd: Creating the spaces that create the city [Summary] Madalena Cunha Matos: As cidades e os campi: contributo para o estudo dos territorios universitarios em Portugal [Summary] Prof Belen Caballo Villar: Cidade Educatoria: perspectivas para a accion local [Summary]
-Seminar workshops & close Dick Mooij: Inovacao e novas tecnologias /Innovation and new technologies [No text supplied] Jorge Farelo Pinto: Factores de qualidade na arquitectura dos edificios educativos e culturais/ Quality factors in architecture of educational and cultural buildings [No text supplied] Anton Schweighofer: Aprender em lugares publicos / Learning in Public Places [No text supplied] Bill Ainsworth: Participacao das comunidades locais / Local community participation Moderadores / Moderators: Sumulas, conclusoes e encerramentodos Workshops / Summing up, concluding and closing the Workshops
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