12 de Setembro

4.° feira/wednesday

Seminario: “Workshops”



Salas na FAUP e Auditorio / Rooms in FAUP and Auditorium

Moderad(t)or :

Grupos mediante inscricoes privias no Secretariado. / Groups by previous lists in the Secretariat

Em cada grupo, o moderador faz uma apresentacao do tema do Workshop e de seguida da a palavra aos participantes para debate do tema. Os moderador preparam relato e conclusoes a sesslio final. /

In each group, the moderator does a presentation for the Worksop, followed by debate . In the end, the moderators prepare conclusions to the final session.

14:00- 16:00




Frid Buehler

Patrimenio arquitectonico existente

/Existing heritage

Auditorio/ Auditorium

Dick Mooij

Inovacao e novas tecnologias /

Innovation and new technologies

Jorge Farelo Pinto

Factores de qualidade na arquitectura

dos edificios educativos e culturais/ Quality factors in architecture of educational and cultural buildings



Aprender em lugares publicos/Learning in Public Places

Bill Ainsworth

Participacao das comunidades locais/

Local community participation



Sumulas, conclusoes e encerramentodos Workshops / Summing up, concluding and closing the Workshops



Interval° para café antes da Sesscio de Encerramento do Semincirio/

Coffee break before the Seminar Closing Session

Resumos das intervencoes dos moderadores / Moderators Abstracts





A building is one of the most powerful media for representing social values and identities. The solidarity of architecture defines the built environment which can effect a society for generations.

If a new socially aware architecture is to emerge then social engagement with effective public consultation should be a priority.

A massive and intelligent resource exists within communities, outside of those in public and private office who make the major decisions which form the built environment. Many of those within the system are poorly qualified and yet use their position and power to make ill-judged decisions. The past is littered with the long term results from short term, quick fix, financially limited and politically motivated considerations.

Effective community participation which can influence future solutions is difficult to achieve and methods of communication which can be properly understood are crucial to success. Motivation and overcoming public disinterest is one issue but more importantly, are the systems used in presentation and communication which everyone can comprehend.

There are a great many worthy voices. keen to contribute, and properly channelled would be a major force in shaping a community and society of the future.

As an example and only to generate discussion today, I use my city's present ambitions (Newcastle upon Tyne) in massive regeneration of a deprived area in the West End. Public consultation is at the heart of the master plan and time will tell if it is to prove successful.

A comparative city in size, where the core of a city-region has a population of approximately 550,000 within a city-region of 2.7 million is Seattle in America. The strategic plans for Newcastle upon Tyne are similar to Seattle, with a network of human scale. walkable 'urban village' neighbourhoods and communities, linked together. and to the city centre, by strategic public transport corridors.

The radical strategic vision, published in June 2000, prompted a high level of public debate. This was expressed by 100 consultation events involving over 3,000 residents of the city. Since that time. the feedback given at these

meetings has been analysed and the key messages have significantly adjusted proposals.

A city and its surroundings are made up of many diverse groups of people with different lifestyles, behaviours. beliefs and aspirations. It is widely recognised that our institutions, social systems, culture and individual views can exclude certain social groups from involvement in self-determination and also from the benefits of society that so many of us within the mainstream take for granted. The exclusion of these groups and their viewpoints is likely to lead to incomplete and distorted understandings and may result in unhelpful and uninformed practices and policies.

New ways to understand life within the city, learning together, to challenge as well as support with a broader base of participation. a more balanced understanding that can incorporate the diverse views, and aspirations of all groups of citizens are required to act as a basis for positive progress and change.

Newcastle's social inclusion commitment includes an experimental project recruiting a special team of young people to work on regeneration issues which are of key interest to that age group, particularly young people who are disaffected. This team is made up of young people who are themselves from a background of disaffection, without qualifications and recently from prison or probation. They will be dealing with difficult issues including crime. drugs, teenage pregnancy. asylum seeking and racism.

These are just a series of comments, not comprehensive, but hopefully helpful in generating debate in the subject of this workshop 'Local Community Participation'.

Biografias dos Moderadores Moderators Biographies

Dick Mooij

Date of birth: 03-04-1947

Nationality: Dutch

Education: Technical University Delft

Civil Engineering & Architecture 1964 —1973

Working experience: 1970 — 1973

Unesco Asia

Expert in Education Facilities

1973 — 1974

Architects Co-partnership (London) in cooperation with Unesco Expert in Educational Facilities

1974 — 1982

Leiden University (the Nederlands )

Head of facilities planning. programming and design

Head of project office Faculties of Art and University Library

1982 — 1993

Director of Higher Educational Facilities, Ministry of Education

1993 — present

Director Rienks — Mooij, managers & consultants, specialized in educational and cultural facilities


Nasceu em Lisboa no ano de 1945. Diplomado em Arquitectura pela Escola Superior de Belas Artes de Lisboa em 1969.

Membro dos oreaos sociais da Ordem dos Arquitectos desde 1989 a 1998. Presidente do Conselho Directive Regional do Sul da OA no trienio 95;98.

Deleeado de Portugal no Grupo de Trabalho dos Espacos Educativos e Culturais da Uniao Internacional dos Arquitectos (UIA), tern participado corn comunicacOes em varios Seminarios e Encontros Intemacionais.

Elemento da Comissao Executiva e responsavel pela coordenacao do Capitulo " A Pratica" do Livro Branco da Arquitectura e do Ambiente Urbane. em Portugal. editado pela Ordem dos Arquitecto (OA Participou enquanto delegado no livro" A Europa e a Arquitectura Amanha-Propostas para o Ordenamento do Quadro Construido." elaborado pelo Conselho dos Arquitectos da Europa (CAE).

Funcionario Palk° de 1975 a 1988 no Ministerio da Educacao na carreira de arquitecto, participou na elaboracao de uma metodologia para a concepcao de novos projectos, tendo sido responsavel pela realizacao de cerca de 15 escolas preparaterias e secundarias distribuidas de Norte a Sul do pais.

Participou entre 1988 a 1995 na concepcao de novas escolas de custos minimos para o Ensino Primario do 1° Grau (EP1 ) e do 2° Grau (EP'_') na Republica de Mocambique, projecto financiado pelo Banco Mundial. tendo sido construidas cerca de 30 escolas na Provincia de Maputo.

Na Regiao Autonoma dos Acores. em Portugal Insular. foram e estao a ser concretizados projectos desenvok idos corn base numa filosofia de "Modelo Acores" assente em novas orientacoes pedagocicas decorrentes de uma politica educativa mais inovadora.

Entre as areas em que tern desenvolvido a sua actividade em regime liberal, desde as primeiras realizaceies em 1969, destacam-se as seguintes: Equipamentos Educativos para todos os niveis de ensino. nomeadamente, Jardins de Infancia, Escolas Primarias, Escolas Preparatorias, Escolas Secundarias. Estabelecimentos de Ensino Especial, Institute Politecnico, Universidade; Equipamentos Desportivos, Ginasios, Polidesportivos, Piscinas Cobertas e Descobenas. Pavilhoes Desportivos; Equipamentos de Saude e Assistencia Social; Equipamento Turistico; Edificios de Habitacao e de Escriterios; Equipamento Aeroportuario.

Lisboa, 23 de Agosto de 2001

12 de Setembro

4. feira / Wednesday

Seminario: Sessao de Encerramento / Closing session

Debate e Sessio de Encerramento do Seminario / Debate and Seminar Closing Session

Local' Place:

Auditorio da FAUP

17:00 -17:45



Yannis Michael, Director do Programa da UIA / UIA Programe Director Mesa / Table: Arq. Rodolfo Almeida, UNESCO EAR*


Arq. Reis Cabrita, Vice-Presidente da Ordem dos Arquitectos /Order of Architects Vice-President

Carlos Magno, Director do Projecto NorteTV, Tv Cabo/Tv Cable North Project Director

Alexandra Abreu Loureiro, SIC Noticias

Pedro Barreto, Jornal "Pablico", Porto / "Pablico" daily newspaper, Porto Francisco Sena Santos, RDP/ broadcasting "RDP" journalist

Mario Bettencourt Resendes , Director Diario de Noticias / Daily newspaper "Diario de Noticias" Director

17:45 -18:00

Encerramento / Closing

Mesa , Table :

Arq. Yannis Michael , Director do Programa da UIA / UIA Programe Director

Arq. Rodolfo de Almeida, UNESCO EAR

Arq. Reis Cabrita, Vice-Presidente da Ordem dos Arquitectos /Order of Architects Vice-President

Presidente da C.M.P./ President of Porto Municipality — Eng. Nuno Cardoso

Secretario de Estado do Ensino Superior, em representacao do Ministro da Educacdo / High Education Secretary of State representing the Ministry of Education - Prof. Dr. Pedro Manuel Gonsalves Lourtie

Nota :

A sessao de Debate pode eventualmente prolongar-se, podendo a hora prevista para o Encerramento ser atrasada.

/ Closing may be delayed depending on the progress of the debate session.

* EAR- Unidade para a Arquitectura para a Educacio da UNESCO/ UNESCO's Architecture for Education Unit
