11 de Setembro

3.° feira/tuesday

Seminario: sessio de trabalho n.° 3 working session n.3

Sessio de trabalho n.° 3 / Working Session n. 3

"Os edificios educativos e culturais enquanto organismos vivos. A capacidade da sua Arquitectura para serem renovadamente os equipamentos educativos e culturais de que precisamos"/"Educational and cultural facilities as live organisations and their architectural capacity to be renovated and reused by all generations"


Auditorio da FA UP/FA UP Auditorium

Moderad(t)or :

Rodolfo Almeida

Relator :

Pedro Barreto, Jornal -Publico". Porto / "Publico" daily newspaper, Porto


Rita Vaz, arch., Brasil, UIA WP

16:00- 18:00


Rodolfo Almeida, arch. Apresentacdo do Tema/Presenting the Theme


Rita Vaz, arch.. Brasil. A arquitectura dos edificios pfiblicos no centro e na periferia - S. Paulo - alguns exemplos / Some examples of public buildings in the city centre and suburbs - S. Paulo


Lajos Jeney, Budapeste. Learning in educational and cultural spaces. The Hungarian Scene from 1990 to our day

Hungria, UIA WP

Randall Fielding. AIA,

Minneapolis, Minnesota School Construction News and Design Share Awards 2001

Helena Barranha,

Universidade do Algarve O Museu de Arte Contemporcinea - espaco dinamico e interactivo

Fried Buehler. arch. The new role of educational and cultural buildings in a transformed city structure

Munich. UIA WP


Recepcao pela C.M.P. antecedida de visits a Biblioteca Almeida Garret-19:00 – e sarau musical. / Reception by municipality , visit to Almeida Garret Library and musical audition / Concentragao as 18:45 no hotel do seminario para transporte / Concentration at 18:45 at Hotel Tuela for transportation

Sessao 3 / Session 3 Resumos



A arquitetura dos edificios publicos no centro e na periferia — Sao Paulo - alguns exemplos / Some examples of public buildings in the city center and suburbs — S. Paulo.


Rita de Cassia Alves Vaz, arquitecta


Em paises em desenvolvimento, como é o caso do Brasil, ocorreu nos ultimos 50 anos uma intensa migracao do campo para as cidades, causando urn aumento desmesurado e desorganizado de suas periferias, em especial a de Sao Paulo.

O enfrentamento deste problema passou pela construcao massiva de edificios escolares nas periferias, e mais recentemente, na tentativa de fixacao do homem no campo, com a realizacao de uma ampla reforma agraria e de investimentos em edificios educacionais nas areas rurais.

Hoje apesar da reducao do movimento migratorio cidade-campo, a mobilidade no interior das metropoles mostra urn forte movimento de expulsao dos habitantes das areas centrais em direcao a periferia, resultando no esvaziamento e decadencia destas areas.

Corn o objetivo de revalorizar o Centro de Sao Paulo, varios investimentos publicos e privados vem sendo feitos na recuperacao de edificios culturais como teatros e museus e na transformacao de edificios de escritorios e de lojas de departamentos em centros culturais e de lazer.

Neste contexto analisamos a arquitetura de edificios escolares e projetos de recuperacao de edificios culturais na area central, em especial algumas obras de nosso atelier.


Over the last 50 years in developing countries, such as Brazil, there were intense migratory movements. First, from the countryside to metropolitan areas, second, within the metropolitan areas from the centers to the suburbs, creating empty and abandoned areas. As a result, there is enormous unplanned growth in the suburbs. Sao Paulo is a strong example of these phenomena.

Facing this migratory movement, public investments occurred in three major fronts:

  1. Construction of schools in the countryside to help avoid the exodus from the countryside.

  2. Construction of schools in the suburbs

  3. Recovery of buildings in central areas

Within this context, I will present some of the work from my and others offices, that fits into these trends caused by migratory movements.


Learning in educational and cultural spaces The Hungarian Scene from 1990 to our day

Learning in Educational Community Centres


Lajos Jeney, Budapeste, Hungria, UIA WP



- central government - local authorities

Desingn process - decision making - brief/ programe - design

Use of functional units

- flexibile/adaptable spaces - technology

The quality of the learning process basically depends on two main factors:

- on the quality of the learning process itself, and

- on the quality of the built space, the learning environment

In presenting the Hungarian situation my contribution deals only with the quality of the educational space and the learning environment.

Decision preparation, decision making process

After 1990, as a result of fundamental changes in the political, social and economic systems in Hungary, all essential elements of public education institutions have been shaped by decisions of local authorities.

The quality of educational facilities built since the change in political regimes proves, that in the new social and economic system an appropriate decision making process that would establish an equilibrium between guidance from the central government and the independence of local authorities in the operation of educational facilities has not yet developed.

At present, quality depends to a high degree on the local decision-makers' education level and subject-matter familiarity.

In this situation, since the country's political, social and economic systems rest on local authority and the self-reliance of local communities, it is of paramount importance that the responsible central government provide professional guidance and help to these local authorities.

Consequently, even if the human and political will is present, the system functions well only by accident, and the slogan that issues should be resolved where they originate is meaningless, if information and professional knowledge are lacking.

So, for the majority of local authorities independence equates to having been left in abandoned.

To sum up, good decisions based on real local demands of a community requires professional backing of the central government, and the lack of this can be observed in the quality of facilities, and has consequences.

A survey of public educational facilities built in the last decade prove unambiguously that in the long term the nation suffers considerable financial burden as a result of facilities being built without basic technical regulations and controls.

As a matter of fact, nationwide regulations issued by the central government establish the appropriate building codes and the basic requirements of regional development and town planning, but a well-functioning public building cannot be either designed or built on this basis alone.

Several controlling authorities have recognised this social demand, and have taken the necessary steps to develop technical and economic regulations of the institutions under their control.

If the decision-makers make their decisions in accordance with real - local - social requirements, on the basis of modern professional concepts and regulations, then quality of educational, communal and cultural facilities will certainly improve.

Design brief, design

Good design briefs can be developed only on the basis of sound design codes.

In the process of establishing a design brief, interdisciplinary cooperation is necessary between representatives of the various (education, social, civic) disciplines, the future users of the facility, and the architect.

Design briefs established in this way reflect the real local demand, and basic requirements of quality control will prevail in planning and design.

The result of a good design brief can produce considerable utility, architectural and social value, on the other hand, a bad design brief can cause damages which never can be undone.

On the basis of the design brief, in the period of actual design the Architect should continue to work with the team of professionals who participated in preparation of the design brief.

From the aspect of quality high priority role should be assigned to the well-trained user in the process of design.

The user's demand rarely appears in well-worded professional language of architecture.

The user's demand system should be formulated by the architect in the process of an efficient dialogue. The architect should create spaces for dreams of the user.

The user discusses his requirements in terms of methodology, education theory and philosophy, and these aspects should be let reflected by the architect in his graphically rendered drawings.

This process often takes shape with great difficulty because the users cannot formulate unambiguously their requirements which could be expressed in technical terms.

The question arises many times: Who is actually the user in such a dialogue?"

Theoretically the answer is rather unambiguous: students, teachers parents, competent officials of authorities and leaders of the local community. Just theoretically! In reality participation of all the enumerated partners in the dialogue can hardly ever be organized.

The architect should by all means be open to the requirements of pedagogy, culture and community. He should arrive at a good public building design by developing a correct and personal contact with the users.

Use of the functional units

The Educational and Community Centre, this modern facility is especially sensitive to interrelation between teaching tools and the spatial system.

By analysing the tight interaction of the teching tools and the spatial system the question of flexibility arises.

The interaction results in se:era' alternatives in the teaching tools to space relationship.

Thus, we can discuss flexibility that is the result of rigidly bounded space provided with many-faceted equipment, in which case the same space can serve various functions.

The same many faceted equipment can be associated with variable spatial frames and in this case a rich treasure chest of potential usage opens up that in the preceeding case would have been impossible to be realized due to the fixed spatial frames.

Finally, one type of flexibility of space use can be achieved by mobile storage cabinets for teaching aids and tools. In this case special attention should be given to careful design of the circulation area between rooms, to practical design of doors, storage cabinets providing simple and easy operation (doors without thresholds, appropriate floor finish, etc.).

Of course. a flexible use of spaces is not just a technical problem but at least in the same degree it is a question of usage, because e.g. in rooms separated by movable partitions the limited sound control should be taken into account in classes.

Usage characteristics of some tools and equipment in functional units show how and to what extent can be influenced the functional value by harmonization of tools, furnishing, outfitting and architectural design.

In the general academic units (class-rooms) it can be very effective to use sound and visual material controlled from a central studio, as well as audio-visual and demonstration materials stored in their own compartments.

Layout of the special subject units will basically be determined by locations of „fixed points" (for water, gas, power connection-ups).

An up-to-date design solution for storing didactic aids is the common store room where didactic aids and tools of all the subjects of instruction can be stored in a single storage room, and where the aids are at hand, the specialist teachers have individual workplaces for their preparation and research work.

The availability of the centrally stored audio-visual aids as well as their feed-back system is a requirement also here.

The Library - storing books and being data base simultaneously - contains also the location scanning tools and equipment (microfilm reader, audio-visual aids, etc.). The appropriate dimensioning and arrangement of the Information Centre, Reading Room and other workplaces, the excellent design of acoustics and illumination, all are important requirements of good usage of tools and aids.

Construction design of floor, side wall and ceiling is mainly defined by acoustic requirements.

The basic concept of the Workshop Unit design is that a general purpose workshop should be designed which can be made suitable for working with the various materials (wood, metal, synthetic material, paper, etc.) furnished with up-to-date multipurpose equipment (work bench, tools) for use of the young and the adult.

For carrying out highly dangerous work operations (welding, cutting, etc.) separate small booths should be provided where work can be done only under permanent professional supervision.

Construction and finish of flooring, side wall and ceiling should be impact and wear resistant and easily cleanable.

Analysis of workshops from the viewpoint of acoustics and environmental protection is a neglected issue, so in this field much work should still be done.

The Studio Centre beyond a certain size should be a self-contained unit in the complex.

The central video- and audio-supply requires less, the programmes produced eventually for own use raise more serious problems of acoustics and artificial lighting. Design of flooring, side wall and ceiling lining is a special professional design task corresponding to the requirements.

In design of a Sport Unit use of furnishing, apparatuses and equipment is governed by serious regulations of technology.

The flooring construction - due to the fact that it is here a main sport apparatus ­should be designed with special care.

A competition-size gymnasium (from badminton to handball) can be divided into three portions by two curtains extending from side wall to side wall and from floor to ceiling, providing three smaller gymnasia for school classes. Opening up the three portions a competition size pitch can be produced.

In a Multipurpose Large Hall equipment and usage options determining the quality of the facility can be outlined only on the basis of careful analysis. Two extreme limits of the function scheme should be identified and the space should be equipped for the functions falling between the two extremes. In the functional analysis the starting point should always be the „rougher" function requiring physically more robust constructions. For example when the extreme values of the functional scheme extend from sport to catering with cultural, communal, leisure time activities in between, then, it is evident that in designing the floor, side wall, ceiling and outfitting the starting point should be the requirements of sport.

Of course, the multifunctionality requires a lot of equipment, so the importance of mobile containers increases.

In furnishing a special attention should be given to the assemblable, easily movable, stackable platform units and seats.

Of course, due to the multifunctionality high quality standards of a large sports hall or an elegant theatre cannot be demanded. The main advantage of a multipurpose facility lies in the fact that by providing a minimum of extra expenses for outfitting great many user's demand can be met at appropriate level in a single space.

The quality of every functional unit is determined by its furniture, in addition to its equipment besides its outfitting with tools and devices.

The information system occupies an undeserved neglected place in the resources of educational institutions. The information task even of a medium size institution cannot be managed by a porter's lodge and a porter.

The basic elements of the system are: colour, numerals and letters.

At the entrances information boards should be emplaced which give an overview of the whole facility in a simplified and easily perceivable form and at the same time define the location of the observer in relation to the whole institution.

The open air facilities offer room for different activities of teching, education, rest, leisure and sport both for the young and the adult, outside the covered functional units, requiring not to many resource of means and tools.

The common green area of a housing estate and the Educational and Community Centre provides open air area and equipment for the different age groups enabling them to play, rest and make sport.

To sum up: it can be said that in these modern public institutions teaching, educational, cultural and leisure activities of both the young and the adult can be implemented efficiently, economically on a rather high level in form of an integrated operation.


School Construction News and Design Share Awards 2001


Randall Fielding, AIA

Company/Organization: Design Share

Email fielding (designshare.com

Overview best projects


0 museu de arte contemporfinea - espaco dinamico e interactivo


Helena Silva Barranha *

As ultimas duas decadas marcaram um periodo determinante na evolucao dos museus de arte. 0 desenvolvimento do turismo cultural e das industrias do lazer contribuiu para uma crescente valorizacao dos museus, entendidos como urn elemento preponderante na gestao do patrimOnio cultural. Este fenomeno levou as instituicOes existentes a ampliaram-se para acolher as novas multidOes de visitantes e muitas cidades construiram novos museus, que tendem a apresentar-se como simbolos de vitalidade urbana e cultural.

A par do crescimento exponencial do nirrncro de instituicoes museolOgicas e de uma progressiva diversificacao tematica, assiste-se a uma redefinicao do proprio conceito de museu. Neste processo, os museus de arte contemporanea assumem um papel fundamental, na medida em que conferem visibilidade as pesquisas esteticas e conceptuais do presente, apontando os novos caminhos da arte e da cultura.

0 museu de arte contemporanea constitui urn espaco privilegiado para o encontro entre a arte e a arquitectura da actualidade, sublinhando novas afinidades e criando minuos desafios. Para alem de dar resposta aos requisitos funcionais associados a conservacao e exposicao de obras de arte, a arquitectura qualifica o espaco museolOgico, propondo novas formas de fruicao dos contealos expositivos, e intervem tambem no espaco urbano, redesenhando a imagem da cidade.

Enquanto que, nos museus dedicados a arte de epocas passadas, as coleccOes se organizam segundo principios bem definidos que, embora possam ser ciclicamente reinterpretados, apresentam uma base consensual, no museu de arte contemporanea os criterios sao bastante mais dinamicos. Esta tendencia decorre, em grande medida, do facto de as coleccOes de arte contemporanea estarem em permanente formacao, o que implica uma reapreciacao das obras de arte e, consequentemente, urn sucessivo repensar dos conteUdos e das estrategias expositivas.

Simultaneamente, o museu apresenta-se como um espaco 16dico e experimental, onde o ptiblico coma contacto com a arte contemporanea de uma forma mais informal e mais participativa do que acontece nos museus orientados para a arte do passado. As exposicOes de arte sao, muitas vezes, acompanhadas por eventos lirdico-culturais diversificados como espectaculos de musica, conferencias, workshops, ciclos de cinema, etc. Na realidade, o museu contemporaneo resulta do encontro de complementaridades e, nesse sentido, transcende as funcOes museolOgicas tradicionais, constituindo nao apenas um local dirigido para a conservacao e para a contemplacao, mas um centro cultural dinamico e interactivo. Afiarra-se, por isso, essencial que o museu integre urn conjunto de equipamentos como auditorios, bibliotecas, salas de audiovisuais e multimedia, laboratorios fotoudficos, etc.

0 facto de public() dos museus ter aumentado substancialmente nas Ultimas decadas determinou tambem novas premissas na concepcao e omanizacao do espaco arquitectOnico, que tende a tornar-se mais flexivel e a integrar um conjunto diversificado de servicos, tais como cafetaria, restaurante, loja e livraria.

No que respeita as areas de exposicao, os museus de arte contemporanea, embora partilhem diversos aspectos programaticos corn os museus de arte, em geral, apresentam alguns requisitos peculiares, que derivam directamente da natureza das obras expostas. Corn efeito, a diversidade de formas de expressao plastica inerente a arte do seculo XX coloca problemas especificos, tanto a nivel de conservacao como de exposicao. A escala, os temas, os materiais e as tecnologias variam significativamente corn as diferentes tendencias esteticas e corn o trabalho de cada artista.

Deste modo, o museu de arte contemporanea confronta-se corn a impossibilidade de definir condicoes expositivas homogeneas. Pelo contrario, o espaco museologico deve apresentar ambientes distintos, em funcfto dos diferentes tipos de obra de arte que integram as coleccoes ou as exposicoes ternaticas. Ao mesmo tempo, existe uma manifesta necessidade de versatilidade espacial, uma vez que as os conteudos expositivos se encontram em continua actualizacAo. 0 caracter aberto das coleccoes de arte contemporanea e o papel preponderante das exposicOes temporarias solicitam, assim, edificios corn capacidade de adaptacao a novas situagOes e corn urn tipo de compartimentacao que permita dar resposta a diferentes exigencias de escala.

Os diversos factores mencionados apontam a necessidade de concepcao do museu de arte moderna e contemporanea como urn edificio evolutivo, susceptive] de ser repensado e apropriado de formas diferentes, ao longo do tempo.

* Arquitecta, docente da Area Departamental de Historia e Arqueologia da Faculdade de Ciencias Humanas e Sociais da Universidade do Algarve.




Frid Buehler

Abstract of Presentation

The irreversible process of structural change in the cities as a consequence of globalisation forces to redefine the role of cultural and educational facilities anew:

Because of their permanence public buildings are anchor-points for townscape and feeling home within the rapidly changing fabric of the cities. In general lifecycles of public buildings are much longer than that of business premises. The everage length of a childs stay at school, approximately 10 years, can be longer as the expiry date of an investors programme.

The modernisation and conversion of cities goes hand in hand with the privatisation of public space. Cultural and educational facilities and the urban spaces belonging to them have to take the place of these. They become islands in the town that represent cultural and local characteristics. By this the outdoor spaces become as important as the usable floor space.

Cities under the influence of the global market can no more be planned as a work of art as a whole. Townscape qualit; in a pluralistic urban society must be seen in a pre-esthetic way as a matter of legibility , where landmarks, paths. edges etc. play an important role. ( see Kevin Lynch: The Image of the City ) Cultural and especially educational buildings must be the pearls in the orientation system of towns and focal points of its itinerary.

Cultural and educational facilities are counterpoles to commercial centers, who arise in line with market requirements beyond the goals of public planning. They are the workshops, where public spirit and urban culture are generated. These places have to be distinctive and emotionally meaningful. They are important tools to create a human environment.

If schools and other cultural buildings will be focal points of urban life, they must come up to the sociologists call for the simultaneity of different interactions in a place. By this schools and cultural buildings will be no more functionalistic but become hybrid and serve different needs and are open to various groups of population.


Segregation of social groups in special territories is characteristic of the future of urban societies. Cultural and especially educational buildings can be links between these groups and help to provide equal opportunities for all. To fulfill this task, they have to open their programmes and provide adequate facilities.


In the mobile society individuals break up their close ties with the place quite early in their youth. The response to this is to create distinctive places with strong patterns, that enable pupils to establish a stable relation. These patterns must be easily to remember for pupils and to remain open to individual interpretation at the same time.

Sessao 3 Session 3

Biografias Biographies

Rita de Cassia Alves Vaz, arquitecta

Estudou Arquitetura na Universidade de Sao Paulo. onde concluiu o curso em 1972.

Foi responsavel pelo planejamento do Municipio de Maud, na Grande Sao Paulo, durante 4 anos, a seguir, trabalhou corn varios arquitetos, sendo que corn Eurico Prado Lopes, desenvolveu projetos para o Centro Administrativo do Estado de Mato Grosso e o Centro Cultural sao Paulo, este corn 42.000m2.

Em 1978, fundou seu prOprio atelier corn Cristina de Castro Mello e. desde ent5o, vem desenvolvendo initmeros projetos dentre os quais se destacam 70 escolas, projetos culturais e de lazer como a RestauracAo do Teatro sao Pedro, medalha de ouro na 9' Quadrienal de Teatro em Praga em 2000 e a Orquestra Maluca, premiada na II Bienal Internacional do Brasil.

Em 2000, elaborou "Plano para a adequacao das Escolas PUblicas do Estado de Sao Paulo a portadores de necessidades especiais", aproNado pela Secretaria da Educacao, agora ja em fase de implantacAo. Das 7.000 escolas da rede pablica estadual, 2.400 serAo adequadas no prazo de 10 anos. Atualmente, gerencia a elaboracAo de Pianos Municipais e dos projetos de adequacAo das escolas. Em 2001, seu atelier devera gerenciar 180 Pianos Locais dos quais 78 ja estdo em fase de conclusao. A estes pianos correspondera a adaptacao de 530 escolas envolvendo a coordenacAo de aproximadamente 45 atelies de arquitetura.

Foi presidente do Instituto de Arquitetos do Brasil, no Estado de Sao Paulo, membro do Conselho Superior por varios gestOes e membro da DirecAo Nacional de 1988 a1991.

E consultora do Ministerio da Educacao e do Ministerio da Cultura, tendo prestado servicos de desenvolvimento de projetos de escolas atraves do PNUD e da UNESCO.

Tern varios trabalhos publicados em revistas nacionais e internacionais.

Rita de Cassia Alves Vaz, architect

Graduated from the school of Architecture at the Universidade de sao Paulo in 1972. During the 4 years after graduation was responsible for the planning of the city of Maua in the Greater Sao Paulo area.

Following this brief period at the public sector started working for various architects, including Eurico Prado Lopes with whom she designed the Centro Administrativo do Estado de Mato Grosso — Administrative Center at the state of Mato Grosso - and the Centro Cultural Sao Paulo — Cultural Center Sao Paulo. the latter with an area of over 42.000m2

In 1978 founded her own office with Cristina de Castro Mello and since then has developed innumerous projects - over 70 schools, cultural and recreational buildings. Amongst this work, the restoration of the Sao Pedro Theatre was awarded gold medal at the 9th Theatre Quadrennial in Prague and the Orquestra Maluca — "Crazy Orchestra" —was awarded in the II International Biennial in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In the year 2000 designed a plan to adapt the public school system in the state of Sao Paulo to handicapped students, as a result Of the total 7000 public schools in the state 2.400 will suffer some form of alteration in the next 10, years. The plan was approved by the local education board and is currently on its implementation phase. During the current phase180 projects are being developed under her supervision — these projects involve other 45 offices and 530 schools.

From 1988 to 1991 retained several key roles on the Brazilian Institute of Architects —Presidency and membership on the National Direction.

Works as a consultant to the Education Ministry and Cultural Ministry, assisted in the development of schools building through the PNUD and UNESCO.

Has several works published in national and international magazines.

Rodolfo Almeida

Architect, graduated at the Faculty of Architecture, National Autonomous University (UNAM), Mexico 1961.

Postgraduate studies on Theory of Architecture at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, France. Training course on Earth Architecture, Grenoble, France

Presently, Regional Consultant on Educational Spaces for UNESCO's Regional Office for Education for Latin America and the Caribbean, with on-going projects in Chile, Venezuela, Mexico, Costa Rica, Haiti.

1971 — 1997. Joined UNESCO in 1971 as architect in the Architecture for Education Section, and as from 1986 was appointed Chief, and later became Director of the Section. Responsible for the co-ordination and technical monitoring of the numerous projects in the field of planning, design, construction and maintenance of educational building projects with UNESCO Regional Offices for Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific and Europe. Has worked in more than 90 countries in this field, plus research studies, training, and design of prototype and pilot educational buildings. Had special assignments in construction and reconstruction in war areas or coming out from the war (Bosnia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Vietnam, Cambodia) or in areas affected by natural disasters (El Salvador, Madagascar, Mexico etc.).

1982 — 1983. Director —General of the Regional School Building Centre for Latin America and the Caribbean (CONESCAL), located in Mexico City.

1966 — 1968. Architect at the Centre de Rationalisation et Organisation des Constructions Scolaires (CROCS), Lausanne. Switzerland., where he worked for the development of open industrialized systems building for the construction of educational buildings in the Vaud Canton.

1968. Worked in Mexico for the cultural exhibitions for he Olympic Games which took place in Mexico.

1965 - 1966. Research architect at the CSTB (Scientific and Technical Building Centre) in Paris, France.

1960 — 1965 was professor at the Faculty of Architecture at UNAM, had his private architecture office and has been invited lecturer in various European faculties of architecture.

Member of the Colegio de Arquitectos de Mexico; of the Working Group 'Educational and Cultural Spaces' of the International Union of Architects (UIA); of the Scientific and Research Council of CRATerre and of the School of Architecture, Grenoble. France. Also international adviser to FEDE (Foundation of Educational Buildings) in Venezuela.

Has numerous publications and documents.


M.Sc.Arch.Eng., architect, recipient of the Ybl Prize, member of the Hungarian Association of Architects [MESZ] and the International Union of Architects [UIA]

Home address: Gyula utca 4, Budapest, H-1118

Office address: Vegyesz utca 7, Budapest, H-1116

Telephone/fax: (36-1) 204-7031


1951-56, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest Technical University

Job history:

1956-70, architect, department head, Budapest Town Planning Office [BVTV] 1970-74, department head, Institute for Architectural Development [TTIJ, Budapest 1974-78, technical director, State Company for Architecture [AETV], Budapest 1978-83, Chief Architect, TTI

from 1983, Executive Director, TTI-Eurovia Co. Ltd.

Professional activities:

  • architect for several housing estates (e.g. Kacsa utca, So utca, Budapest), communal buildings (grammar schools, Budapest Inner City Telephone Exchange), educational and communal centres (e.g. Kecel);

  • initiator of educational and communal centres in Hungary;

  • coordinator of the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary research on educational facilities in Hungary (1968-70);

  • author of numerous publications on educational and communal centres in professional magazines in Hungary and abroad, including a case study on educational buildings in Hungary, a major contribution to international professional literature,
    commissioned and distributed by UNESCO;

  • extensive lecturing activity on the subject in Hungary and abroad (Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Greece, India, Germany, Portugal, Sweden, USA and the former Soviet Union);

  • successful participation in architectural competitions (e.g. first prize for the Master Plan of Martinelli Square, Budapest);

  • head of the committee surveying work carried out under the National Gym-building Project in 1992

International activities:

1965-66, UNESCO Fellowship (Federal Republic of Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland);

from 1968, national delegate, Work Group for Schools, UlA

Voluntary work:

from 1968, Chairman, Commission for Sports and Educational Facilities, Hungarian Association of Architects;

from 1988, Chairman, Szigliget Association for Village and Environment Protection

Languages: English and German

Randall Fielding

Randall Fielding, AIA, is an award-winning architect and educational facility planner. He has planned innovative learning environments from early childhood to the university level. In addition to designing schools, Randy is the President, lead developer and editor of Design Share, *Inc., a Web-based knowledge system for facility planning. Design Share's on-line library is the premier resource worldwide for the design of learning environments. The Web site has received seven awards for design and quality of content, and is accessed by more than twenty countries.

Randy earned a Master of Architecture Degree from the University of Illinois, Chicago, in 1981, where he was the Chief Editor of the annual journal of the school of architecture. He served as a project designer at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill in Chicago, where he was part of a small team responsible for the master planning and architectural design of a new, 8,000-student university. Randy launched Fielding & Associates, Inc., in 1983, a Chicago architectural firm specializing in environments for learning and community. In 1997, he sold Fielding & Associates and relocated to Minneapolis, where he began developing the graphic user interface and plan diagram language for Design Share. In 1998, Design Share's Web site was launched.

Randy continues to provide architectural design services on a selective basis. Recent projects for SchoolStart include the Twin Cities International Elementary School, the Minnesota International Middle School, the Minnesota Academy for Software Technology and Avalon School, an innovative charter high school in St. Paul, Minnesota. He recently completed the design of Yeshiva Elementary School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and has just begun planning services for the School District of Hudson in Wisconsin, in partnership with Johnson Controls.

Randy serves as Design Share's team-leader in providing research, publication and Web-development services for national organizations that are involved with educational facilities. Representative clients include the American Institute of Architects Committee on Architecture for Education, the California Office of Public School Construction, the National Clearinghouse for Educational Facilities and the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Education Facility Services.

Randy is a member of the American Institute of Architects and the Council of Educational Facility Planners International. He is on the editorial advisory board for both School Construction News and School Planning and Management Magazine. Randy serves as chair of the Urban Educational Facilities for the 2151 Century (UEF-21) communications committee. He has published more than a dozen articles and co-moderated workshops on a variety of topics, including community involvement in master planning, patterns in educational facility design, the effects of brain-compatible learning on facilities, wireless technology in schools, programming and circulation factors in schools, lighting design and alternative learning environments. Randy is the recipient of the 1998 Council of Educational Facility Planners International Service Citation Award, as well as numerous awards for design.

A native of New York, he now lives with his wife and two daughters near Lake Harriet, in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Frid Buhler

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Architect BDA

Partnership BOhler & Buhler, Munchen

Professor for Design and Urban Design University of Applied Sciences Konstanz

Member of UIA/UNESCO Working Programme "Charter for Architectural Education"

Visiting Professor at Virginia State University Blacksburg USA

Foundation Dean of School of Architecture University of Applied Sciences, Potsdam

Guest critic

University of Central England, Birmingham

Ranseleer University New York

University of Stuttgart

University of Belgrano Buenos Aires


Deutscher Stahibaupreis

IAKS International Award for Sport Facilities UNESCO Award for Educational Buildings Several BDA Awards


i.a. International Biennial for Modern Architecture at Buenos Aires 1995 and 1998