12 de Setembro

4.° feira/wednesday

Seminario: sessio de trabalho n.° 4 working session n.4

Sessio de trabalho n.° 4 / Working Session n. 4

"Edificoes culturais e educativos novos e diferentes para uma aprendizagem ao longa da vida e envolvimento da Comunidade: Repensar a natureza dos edificoes e dos recursos educativos e culturais" / ”New and different cultural and educational spaces for life long learning, the community context: Rethinking the nature of buildings and educational facilities“


Auditorio da FA UP/FA UP AuditoriumRodolfo Almeida

Moderad(t)or :

Rita Vega da Cunha

Relator :

Francisco Sena Santos, RDP/ broadcasting “RDP” journalist


Bruce Jilk, arch., USA

9:00- 10:45


Rita Vega da Cunha, Apresentacao do Tema/Presenting the Theme


Bruce Jilk, arch. A framework for life long learning and the Community Context

Minnesota, Wisconsin,


Jadille Baza, Rodolfo New educational spaces for the Chilean Educational Reform

Almeida – Chile/UNESCO

Lourdes Melendez e Cost efficiency in the construction of public school facilities. Results

Eduardo Millan, Venezuela

Janusz Wlodarczyk, Polonia The synergy of Existing School Space with Various public spaces for Permanent Learning

Anton Schweighofer, Return to the Future – Back to Public Spaces



Intervalo para cafe/ Coffee break

Sessao 4 / Session 4 Resumos



A Framework for Life Long Learning and the Community Context



The planning and design of learning environments for life long learning can best be approached by thinking about a world where our best ideas of today are implemented. This is in the spirit of realising that we create our future, it is not something which waits to be discovered. The real challenge lies in understanding how our "best ideas" come together as a whole and in a manner which will serve our communities. Rather then contemplating the impact such things as changes in technology, classroom design, new building materials or alternative project delivery systems we will have, the approach taken here is to start with the "big picture." Once this framework is in place, these particular issues will fall into alignment.

For understanding what form our learning environments will take to best serve society, we will start with identifying the major issues communities face. At an OECD Program for Educational Building held in Crete in 1996, common to all participating countries were the following four issues: 1) Financial constraints were requiring institutions to reconsider their fundamental role; 2) Technology was changing the methods of delivery; 3) Legal issues were increasing; and 4) All members of society required continuous education. What is common to all four of these issues is that they go beyond the confines of the traditional educational institution. These are community issues and require a community response.

Community Schools

The relation between schools and communities is not new. For many years we have attempted to bridge these components of society by designing community schools. City planners developed these concepts about 100 years ago. In the 1960's and early 1970's the concept was used to justify huge facilities. More recently the pressure has been for these schools to deliver a wide range of community services. These include such things as social, health and dental, employment, and family services. This connection between the community and the educational institution is an attempt to address some very social needs. However, the traditional concept of school is being stretched ,in its effort to accommodate these functions.

Community of Learners

Another approach to embracing this change has been to move from thinking of community schools as central to their neighbourhoods (citadels) to creating a community of learners. This is a community that is a good place to live, work, and play and where everyone is engaged in lifelong learning. The attributes of such a community of learners include learning for everyone, anytime, anyplace, and the learning is appropriate. The attention is on both the audience and the learning process. Because learning is distributed (through technology) the more familiar examples include virtual learning organisations such as the Western Governors University. Some existing communities are moving in this direction. These include Ithica, NY and Portland, OR for example. This concept is also consistent with the ideas of "New Urbanism" but to date the educational practice in these communities has been very traditional.

Learning Community

An often stated (but little understood) goal in school design today is to create a "learning community." This is a community that is continually expanding its capacity to create its future; the community its self is a learner; and it's a community that responds to needs much faster than others. The attributes include: Developing personal mastery; Questioning mental models; Building shared vision; Encouraging team learning; and Thinking in systems.

In other words, this is a community where the members know they are in this together, they really care, they do what they say, and they know they will be better off as a result. These are in addition to the attributes listed above for a community of learners. The key distinction is that a learning community is its self a learner.

Designing learning communities is a significant challenge because there are no models to follow. There are some key points to guide us. First, there needs to be powerful purpose stories (a shared, compelling vision). Learning communities are about relationships and connections between and among people and systems. Stories are metaphors that describe these relationships. What is being shared is the "similarity of difference" or the connections that underlie the stories. Second, there are clear, tangible, visible, shared learning outcomes for the community. These are the attributes listed in the paragraph above. Third, everyone is a learner. Learning is lifelong and continuous.

The physical environment for a learning community has some very clear characteristics. These include: 1) the understanding that learning will happen in many places, not just a place called school; 2) we need to dissolve borders among learning settings; 3) these various settings need a coherent network; 4) the settings need to adapt quickly; 5) the design shall provide a sense of identity; 6) the setting will enhance social connectivity in the community; 7) the environment responds to differences in learners; 8) informal learning shall be enhanced; and 9) provision shall be made for both general and specialized study.

Although there are no models to guide us in the design of a true learning community, there are some projects we can learn from. These include Louvain-la Nuvoue and new learning cities in Australia.


"The Educational Reform in Chile and its impact on the design and use of educational buildings"


Presentation by Jadille Baza and Rodolfo Almeida, Technical Co-ordinators of the Joint Project Ministry of Education/UNESCO's Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Session 3. Educational and cultural facilities as live organisations and their architectural capacity to be renovated and reused by all generations.

As we have already informed you in the last Seminar in Jerusalem, we are working together on the above-mentioned project. This time we will focus our presentation on the impact that the educational reform togetherwith our joint project are having not only on the design of educational buildings, but on their architectural programming which involves the participation of the community and the use of the educational buildings by the community itself and the use of the community facilities by the students, i.e. Learning in Public Places, topic of this Seminar.

Up to previous years, educational establishments designed in Chile were based on a typified building system, similar all over the country: the problem was to satisfy the increasing demand. Since the 1990's, with the educational reform and its decentralization process, architecture tries to respond to innovations in curricula, to the specific educational projects of the community, as well as to adapt and respond to local social, economical and cultural situations, with the aim of the educational establishment becoming part of the public space, and to consider education and culture in a permanent process that involves all the community students, parents, architects, etc.

Communities are now participating in the definition and priorization of their needs, be it educational, social and cultural; educators and architects are working together for an architecture (or architectures) which facilitate the educational process, diminishing inequities between regions and localities, urban and rural, with the objective to provide all children and young people with access to an education of quality and to make this education available to the community where the educational establishment will be inserted.

The changes that are happening now in the relationship education-architecture-culture in Chile are multiple. complex and unprecedented.

These changes can be exemplified by: the meaning that an educational establishment has for its community, and how the community influences the architecture; educational buildings painted in the same colour searching for a corporative image; the construction of new buildings which have stimulated the community to modify their houses or the physical environment where the educational building is located; educational buildings that function also as the local radio; the use of the school patio by the community to play and gather for social and cultural manifestations; the use of schools' workshops. library, sports field by the community; the use of existing workshops or shops in the community as learning places for the students; the integration of public space with school space; the influence of urban architectural elements or morphology on the design of educational establishments; etc.

It is worth concluding that the decade of the 1990's and the onset of the twenty-first century marks a new beginning: architecture for education in Chile is well launched on a challenging new path.

We will illustrate some of these changes with slides from various parts of Chile and with some of the work we are doing with the Joint Project MINEDUC/UNESCO.




Arch. A. Eduardo Milan,

Arch. Lourdes Melendez

Venezuela, as a developing country, has great restrictions for supplying the public school system with first quality conditions — at the physical, spatial and functional level - and for meeting all the technological requirements of today's education. These restrictions come mainly from the government's budgeting and allocation of funds that are a few years behind the real needs.

As a consequence, there is an urgent need to develop construction cost's indicators in order to have accurate budgeting foundations for the strategic plans that involve the construction and furnishing of school buildings.

Last year, the "Venezuelan Foundation for the Construction and Fumishment of Schools" (FEDE), engaged the professional services of Arch. A. Eduardo Millan and Arch. Lourdes Melendez, whom, together with a multidisciplinarian staff, carried out a research process to compare construction costs among different state agencies responsible for the construction of schools facilities, and to develop cost indicators to be used for budgeting and public funds allocation purposes. The research process involved the assessment of actual school buildings to obtain data on the following variables: original investment cost of the school building, structural system, durability of constructive elements, and degree of accomplishment of the school building's functional, spatial and programmatic official quality standards. The results obtained are summarised as follows:

  1. - The Net Investment Cost of Construction for analogous structural systems do not show any significant differences among the different construction agencies.

  2. - The average percentage of cost of investment according to constructive components, for every structural system assessed:





Sanitary System

6,54 %.

Electrical System

5,50 %.

  1. - The Net Investment Cost of Construction for every school and every state agency will be directly proportional to the compliance of the functional requirements established by the time of the construction works. In another words, better accomplishment of these requirements results in higher costs.

  2. 4. - The data's lack of variability due to the sample's size, did not allow establishing a clear relationship between the degree of accomplishment of the physical programmation and the investment costs.

  3. 5. - Regarding the sports and recreational areas, the data showed that more investment improved the quality and quantity of these areas.


  1. "Learning in Public Spaces" is a creative strategy that has showed its usefulness as a learning aid, and as a tool to alleviate the lack of classrooms faced by most third world countries; however this paper hopes to bring to this seminar's attention, the fact that the deficit of school facilities has become critical in third world countries through the last decade, and in our case "Learning in Public Spaces" should not be an alternative to the use of regular classrooms.

  2. Public Spaces are wonderful sources of all kinds of information, and as such, complement the educational enterprise by erriching and providing variety to the learning experience, but it cannot ever become a substitute for technologically updated classrooms that will only be possible through sensible budget policies, that in turn will guarantee enough funding to build more and better schools. Under this rationale, it would be very interesting to compare these costs with those of other developing countries, in order to asses other school construction's procedures and their ability to provide answers to the technological requirements of today's education.

Caracas, July 2001

Research done for "The Venezuelan Foundation for the Construction and Furnishment of Schools" (FEDE) by

Arch. A. Eduardo Milian,

Arch. Lourdes Melendez

Arch. Hector A. Cedres and

B.Sc. Rina Romero


Synergy of Education and the Existing School Space with Various Public Spaces for Permanent Learning


Janusz A. Wlodarczyk

The Abstract

Shape of the school space in the Modern Movement and earlier .

Efforts to learn outside the school building — the significant educators in the early modernism (Freinet, Devey a.o.).

Influence of the post-modern ideas on the education ; the example of the transformation of the post-modern theatre - the spectacular and the adequate - for different features of the school.

Future education spaces — attempt of anticipation:

the meaning and the possibility of integrating of the existing school building with the environment, the meaning and the possibility of using the city spaces for education.


Return to the Future — Back to Public Space


Prof. Anton Schweighofer

In the shadow of a tree in a market place, a young man listened to another man. That was the place to learn. The content of learning was connected with his life and interest. Imprinted by

openness and self-determination, he took the information he wanted to have.

      1. That was learning in "public spaces."

But the content of learning changed. It became ordered by power, without openness, without self-determination. A house came instead of a place.

      1. That was learning in "a building."

A closed space, in the form of a monastery, or a military camp, and later a house called "school" with classrooms.

The transformation of this "educational order" is still defined in architecture as the "school building."

Architects are trained to design buildings. That is their trade, and we need buildings. But the respected qualifications of this type of building today have different values. "Beauty" in Europe, "the highest standard" in the USA, "economical" in poor countries, "safety" where terrorism and vandalism occur, "type" where quantity is the problem.... And the school- building, equipment and facilities are in the end determined only by politics, administrators and educators. Therefore we should ask if it is always the building that solves the problem of education.

Now is again a change in many of the things that we are used to doing. The educators know this, and ask for new equipment, but they work in the same old closed spaces. The new possibilities are seen as pragmatic, and the conservative tools are still the lectures and the classical school-curriculum. And we don't see the chance to do this in a new space!

The question for the architect is, is there a better architectural answer to the new situation? Is it still good to teach in an isolated house? Not reacting to the new possibilities and necessities? Network-, global-, multicultural-, individual-, self-determined-, creative-thinking is as important as classical knowledge! The life-conditions such as water, air, nature, the climate, and natural resources can be only understood by most people if they are directly confronted with the problems—Not only in the virtual, abstract, and in theory!

Also the physicists found solutions in the vision of our universe when they looked back to Euclid and Aristotle! Why should we not respect the experience of the past! Life is one of the most important educators. Where life can be studied is not only in a public place, but also from a "public space." It is time that architects include this fact as an architectural element in their educational and cultural work. Learning becomes dealing with the free, abstract, and changing environment in which we live. One collects learning experiences similarly to how a car fills up at gasoline stations. This results in adaptable spaces--objects that are adaptable to their changing, free, abstract, and virtual environment--objects that are implanted in the outside environment and react to and interact with it.

      1. That is learning as with "gasoline stations" in "a public space."

The city for children in Vienna, a project from the 70's called the "Stadt des Kindes," has now to be re-used. I believe that this could be of interest, and therefore I try to explain this project as an example for discussion.

Prof. Anton Schweighofer


Sessao 4 Session 4

Biografias Biographies


Ability and experience in organizing process have made Mr. Jilk a leader in educational consulting. This combination enables him to provide quality services within a unique format. He has worked for educational clients since the mid 1960s focusing on projects with innovative programs. Currently his work includes development of Learning Communities and related issues such as lifelong learning, connections between conventional educational services and enterprise, linking further education with the world of work, use of new information and communication technologies, and the integration of services such as health and education through new technologies. He has consulted and design learning environments in over twenty states and in Austria. Australia, Azerbaijan, Canada. Finland, Germany, Italy. The Netherlands. and Saudi Arabia. Experiences include those of educator, author, research, planner and architect.


University of Minnesota, Bachelor of Architecture

University of Wisconsin, Post Graduate Studies

Minnesota, Wisconsin

NCARB Certificate


American Institute of Architects – AIA/Minnesota

Professional Affiliations

Council of Educational Facility Planners. International

AIA Architecture for Education Committee

AIA liaison to:

Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

American Association of Community Colleges

Research and Publications

"Learning Environment Applications," United States Department of Education/NCRVE

Benchmark Assessment of Primary and Secondary Schools, New South Wales, Australia

"Learning Environments," New Designs for the Comprehensive High School

"School Facilities Planning and Design Guidelines," (co-author) Minnesota State

Department of Education

"The Design Impact of the House Concept in Middle School Education," Conference on

Architecture and Education. Racine, Wisconsin

"Integration of Academic and Vocational Curriculum," National Conference on

Integration. Beaver Creek, Colorado

"New Designs for the Comprehensive High School," International Conference on 2 1 st

Century Education. Raleigh. North Carolina

"Learning Environments." New Design for the Two-Year Institutions

Over 200 presentations including: OECD, AASA. SREB. CEFPI. ASBO, NSBA. AIA,


Relevant Projects

High Schools

School of Environmental Studies. Apple Valley. Minnesota

Oregon School District. Oregon. Wisconsin

Bellingham High School #3. Bellingham, Washington

Rochester High School. Rochester. Minnesota

Charlottesville High School, Charlottesville. Virginia

Newport News High Schools (2), Newport News. Virginia

Chaska High School. Chaska. Minnesota

Kennewick High School #3, Kennewick, Washington

Meadowdale High School. Edmunds, Washington

Eagan High School. Eagan. Minnesota

Glenbard High School #5, Glen Ell n. Illinois

Apple Valley Senior High School. Apple Valley. Minnesota

Craig High School, Janesville. Wisconsin

Owatonna High School, Owatonna. Minnesota

Career Education District. St. Louis. Missouri

Geneva Unit School District. Geneva, Illinois

Kenosha High School #3. Kenosha, Wisconsin

Middle and Junior High Schools

Middle School, Oregon, Wisconsin

Fargo Castle Rock Middle School. Castle Rock, Colorado

Oregon Middle School, Fargo, North Dakota

Sioux Falls Middle School, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

Geneva Middle School, Geneva, Illinois

Dakota Hills Middle School, Eagan. Minnesota

Bemidji Middle School, Bemidji, Minnesota

Rochester Southeast Junior High School, Rochester, Minnesota

Willow Creek Intermediate School, Owatonna. Minnesota

Elementary Schools

Delano Elementary School, Delano. Minnesota

Woodland Elementary School, Eagan, Minnesota

Willow Creek Elementary School, Owatonna, Minnesota

Deerwood Elementary School. Eagan, Minnesota

Bluff Creek Elementary School, Chanhassen, Minnesota

Geneva Elementary School. Geneva, Illinois

Isanti Elementary School. Isanti, Minnesota

Cambridge Elementary School, Cambridge, Minnesota

McKinley Elementary School, Owatonna, Minnesota

Lincoln Elementary School. Owatonna, Minnesota

Washington Elementary School. Owatonna. Minnesota

Oak Park Elementary, Owatonna. Minnesota

Post Secondary Schools

U.S. Department of Education funded research project "New Designs for the Two-Year


Trafton Science Center Expansion, Mankato State University, Minnesota

St. Mary's University, Winona, Minnesota

Mankato State University. Manka.a, Minnesota

Rochester Community College. Rochester. Minnesota

Murphy Hall, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis

University van Amsterdam. Netherlands

University van Holland. Netherlands

Hamline University Master Plan, St. Paul, Minnesota

Torrens Valley Institute. Adelaide. Australia

University of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland

Hennepin Technical College, Anoka. Minnesota

San Diego Community College. San Diego, California

Brainerd Community College and Technical College. Brainerd, Minnesota

Miscellaneous Schools

The International School of Azerbaijan. Baku, Azerbaijan

8 Kingdom Schools, Saudi Arabia

Westonka Public Schools, Mound. Minnesota

WMEP K-12 Downtown School. Minneapolis. Minnesota

Milton Hershey School. Hershey, Pennsylvania

Winona Public Schools. Winona. Minnesota

Saint Paul Open School. Saint Paul. Minnesota

Greeley Public Schools. Greeley. Colorado

Learning Communities

Multi-Function Polls, Adelaide, Australia

100.000 Person City Expansion. Ultrecht. The Netherlands

Eastern Waterfront. Helsinki. Finland


Licenciatura em Ci8ncias Biologicas pela Universidade de Lisboa

Licenciatura em Ciencias Pedagiagicas pela Universidade de Coimbra

"Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies" em Ciencias da Educacao, OKA() Politica de Educacao

pela Universidade de Paris VIII

Certificado de Estudos Europeus pela Universidade Livre de Bruxelas

Funcoes exercidas e experiencia professional

      1. Na Secretaria de Estado da Administracao Educativa

A partir de Novembro de 2000 a julho de 2001 Conselheira Tecnica da Secretaria de Estado da Administracao Educativa responsavel por varias areas, entre as quais a dos equipamentos educativos.

      1. Na Representacao Permanente

A partir de Abril de 1996, Conselheira Tecnica Principal na RepresentacAo Permanente de Portugal junto da Uniao Europeia, responsavel pelos pelouros da Educacao, Juventude, e Sande Pnblica.

De destacar a actividade desenvolvida no decurso das negociacoes e conciliacoes dos programas comunitarios "SOCRATES e JUVENTUDE".

Exerceu a Presidencia do Grupo Sande durante a Presidencia portuguesa de 1 de Janeiro a 30 de Junho 2000.

De destacar a aprovacao pelo Conselho Sande da posicao comum relativamente a directiva sobre "a aproximacao das disposicoes legislativas e regulamentares dos Estados Membros no que respeita ao fabrico, a apresentacao e a venda dos produtos do tabaco".

      1. Na Comissao Europeia

De Fevereiro 1988 a Abril de 1996 Funcionaria da ComissAo Europeia na categoria de

Administradora Principal (Grau A4).

Responsavel sucessivamente pelos seguintes dossiers:

- Orientacao Escolar e Profissional — Lancamento de uma rede de Centros de Orientacao

em todos os Estados Membros.

GestAo da rede, animacao, acompanhamento e difusao da informacao.

Coordenacao da publicacao "Manual Europeu dos Conselheiros de Orientacao" publicado

em 9 linguas comunitarias (45 000 exemplares).

- Formacao de Professores.

- RelacOes corn as Associacties Europeias de professores.

- Prevencao do iletrismo e do insucesso escolar.

Lancamento gestao e animacao de uma rede de projectos de pareceria obrigatoria entre tits

Estados Membros. Em cada projecto deveriam participar a administrack, uma instituicao

educativa e urn instituto de investigacao).

Portugal participou em dois projectos dos quais resultou a constituicAo do Centro de

Recursos da Escola Marquesa de Alorna em Lisboa e o programa inter-geracional de luta

contra o iletrismo na Aldeia de Garganta Concelho de Sabrosa.

- Responsavel pela organizacao do Ano Europeu de Luta contra o Iletrismo.

Coordenacao e acompanhamento de escudos nas areas acima referidas. Organizacao de

Conferencias. Publicacoes nestes dominios.

      1. No Ministerio da Educacao

De Outubro 1972 a Setembro de 1983:

- Director de Servicos de Estudos da Direccao Geral de Equipamentos Educativos (1982­1983)

- Chefe de DivisAo (1978-1982)

Estudos e publicacties sobre as novas tipologias de escolas elaborados tendo em conta a evolucao demografica, a expansao da rede escolar e as sucessivas reformas do sistema educativo, nomeadamente o prolongamento da escolaridade obrigatoria.

Estas escolas que comecaram a ser implementadas em regime experimental continuam a ser construidas em todo o pais independentemente das sucessivas reformas introduzidas no sistema e das alteracees dos parametros subjacentes a definicAo das seguintes tipologias de escola:

(P, P+C; C;C+S; SU; ES)

- Chefe do projecto elaborado com a OCDE sobre equipamentos educativos no distrito de Portalegre.

Apresentacao de relatario e discussao da metodologia seguida numa conferencia realizada em Evora (Setembro de 1983)

- Colaboracao no programa Preliminar das Escolas Superiores de Educacao ( Projecto financiado pelo Banco Mundial ).

Jadille Baza Apud

Fecha de nacimiento: 9 de julio de 1949

Nacionalidad: Chilena Profesi6n: Arquitecto

Estudios superiores:

1968-1974 Arquitectura. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad de Chile.

1976 Titulo de arquitecto


1974 "Calculo antisismico de un edificio de quince pisos". Seminario de titulo.
Universidad de Chile.

1975 "CHILEXPO'72". Informe de practica profesional. Universidad de Chile.

1990 Definicion de un sistema de informaci6n al servicio de Ia planificaciOn. Documento,


1999-2000 Articulos sobre espacios educativos para la revista del Colegio de Arquitectos y
publicaciones ministeriales: Guias de diseno de espacios educativos y publicaciOn

sobre los nuevos espacios educativos en la decada del 90.

Experiencia laboral:

1971-1975 Departamento de ferias y exposiciones de Ia CORFO,

1976-1977 Profesora part-time de la Universidad Tecnica del Estado, en las catedras de:

Supervision de obras civiles, materiales de construccion y dibujo tecnico.

1976 a la fecha Ministerio de Educacion PUblica.

Miembro de la Comision de !eyes y ordenanzas del Colegio de Arquitectos de Chile.

1977 Arquitecto jefe departamento de locales. Ministerio de Educacion POblica.

Miembro de la Comision Tecnica Nacional:

Formulacion del plan anual de construcciones escolares

Aprobaci6n de proyectos de arquitectura.

RecepciOn de locales escolares en representacion del Ministerio de Educaci6n.

1980 Sociedad constructora de establecimientos educacionales.

1981a la fecha Superintendencia de educaci6n. Departamento de planificacion, estudios y proyectos.

1990 Jefe del Departamento de Planificacion, Estudios y Proyectos.

Directora y Miembro del concursos de arquitectura de establecimientos educacionales.

Coordinadora comision nombrada por el Ministro de Educaci6n, para efectos de estudiar el rol del Ministerio de EducaciOn en materias de infraestructura educacional.

1990-1991 Arquitecto jefe de la Unidad de Infraestructura.

  • Creaci6n de la Unidad, actual departamento de inversiones. Entre las principales tareas:

  • Coordinadora linea infraestructura de los programas ministeriales en el marco de Ia reforma educacional: Programa de las 900 escuela mas pobres, Mejoramiento

de la Calidad y Equidad de la EducaciOn, Habilitacion de los Liceos Humanistico-Cientificos en Tecnic.os Profesionales.

  • ElaboraciOn de los fundamentos de una politica en materias de inversion educacional.

  • Creacion e implementacion de equipos tecnicos interministeriales de gestion en materias de inversion en infraestructura educacional, a nivel nacional y regional. Participan los Ministerios del Interior, Hacienda y Planificacion y Cooperacion. Coordinadora equipo tecnico central.

  • Coordinaci6n nacional en materias de infraestructura educacional.

  • Se promueve la creacion de una fuente de financiamiento sectorial que contribuye a aumentar fuertemente las inversiones en infraestructura educacional. Distribucion de recursos y priorizacion de criterios de asignacion (1990: M$10.000.000, ano 2000: M$120.000.000, ario 2001 150.000.000).

  • Responsable de la Componente de infraestructura del programa: "Mejoramiento de la calidad y equidad de la educaci6n" (MECE para la educaci6n basica, media y superior), con financiamiento del Banco Mundial.

  • Accesoria a autoridades y equipos tecnicos regionales en materia de infraestructura educacional.

  • Organizacion de seminarios y talleres regionales y nacionales.

1990-1992 Trabajo de consultoria en el IIPE, Paris-Francia.

1994 Elaboracion y Coordinaci6n Nacional del proyecto conjunto con UNESCO: "OptimizaciOn de la Inversion en Infraestructura educacional".

1995 Asesoria al equipo de la Unidad Nacional de Servicios Tecnico Pedagogicos de la Secretaria de Educacion de Bolivia en materia de fortalecimiento del proceso de inversion educacional (consultoria UNESCO-Paris).

Gestion y firma de convenios de colaboraciOn con el proceso de busqueda de nuevos espacios para la educaciOn con el Colegio de Arquitectos y la Direcci6n Nacional de Arquitectura.

1998 Miembro del equipo de trabajo en Educaci6n de la Unibn Internacional de Arquitectos.

Analisis experiencia con UNESCO, sobre Reforma en el estado de Puebla, en Mexico, con el Director y equipo del Instituto Internacional

1999 Co-directora del Concurso Nacional de anteproyectos para la construccion del

nuevo Liceo de Isla de Pascua, en el marco de la Reforma Educacional.

Presidenta del jurado en el concurso con las escuelas de arquitectura para incorporar a las universidades chilenas en la busqueda de mejores espacios para la reforma.

2000 Presidente del Comite de Educacion del Colegio de Arquitectos

Consultora Banco BID

2001 Miembro del jurado en el II concurso con las escuelas de arquitectura para
incorporar a las universidades chilenas en la bOsqueda de mejores espacios para la reform a.

Santiago, Agosto 2001





Architect specialist in the development of social investment programs for the construction of school facilities, this experience was obtained through 21 yeas working in the area, as well as of from the information interchange from courses and seminars. From 1969 to 1977, as a Ministry of Education Staff member, he coordinated the activities concerning the development of Construction Standards for school facilities as well as the Design, Programming and Planning of the investments related national programs of school's construction. During this professional stage he acted as Director of Special Programs, and was actively involved in the process that allowed the obtention of a World Bank credit for the construction of 1 Polytechnical College, 8 Middle Schools and 20 Elementary Schools, and also in the creation of FEDE —FOUNDATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND FURNISHMENT OF SCHOOLS-. In 1984 as Technical Secretary in FEDE - he took charge of all activities related to the management of the national school construction programs, and goes on to exercise the Presidency of the referred organism from 1987 to 1989. In these functions he coordinated the execution of investments at the national level for the construction, endowment, repair and maintenance of school buildings, incorporating as a policy the involvement of communities to these processes.

Since 1990, as a Chief Manager of TECNICA AFE C.A provides technical assistance to different public and private organisms in the area of architecture for education, and for any other public service. Under his leadership, TECNICA AFE, developed several projects, among them the following:

  1. "Education for All Centers": A four year endeavor founded by UNESCO and the ELF Foundation, included the assessment of rural communities, the architectural and engineering plans for two multipurpose facilities in the rural areas, the construction of the two centers as well as the educational curricula and social work with the communities involved.

  2. FUNDAPREESCOLAR: The office lent technical support to this state agency. for the planning and development of a 4-year national preschool construction program that would allow the expansion of the system in 550 classrooms.

  3. INTERAMERICAN BANK OF DEVELOPMENT. He managed the team of professionals that prepared the blue prints and construction budgets for refurnishing and repairing approximately 140 elementary and middle schools in 4 provinces, under a contract by the regional governments that needed to meet the requirements for a credit application with this multilateral bank agency.

  4. Founder of APSIDE, A.C., association devoted to the development of architectural and social projects for the construction, repair and maintenance of public service facilities with community involvement.

Caracas. July 2001






Architect whose major area of expertise is the Physical Planning, the Development of Standards, the Design of Building Systems and the Maintenance programs for public school facilities. During her years as a staff member of FEDE —"VENEZUELAN FOUNDATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND FURNISHMENT OF SCHOOLS" - she managed all the tasks involved in the planning, execution and follow up of the Repair and Maintenance Programs for Elementary and Middle School Buildings at a national level, including the allocation of funds and human resources, and the administration of construction contracts.

As an specialist on the operation and maintenance of these kind of schools, she has participated on the following projects:

  1. FUNDAPREESCOLAR: She coordinated the design of an assessment method to modify the typical preschool classroom for meeting the requirements of the updated curricula, as well as the development of the official architectural and building standards for new preschool constructions. She also coordinated the team that developed an open Project System, that would allow the construction of preschool classrooms in remote communities, including the use of local resources and the engagement of the community.

  2. UNESCO / ELF AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENT: She provided the architectural support for a long range program: "Centers of Education for All", which included the coordination of an interdisciplinary team that developed a method for establishing two pilot centers in the rural areas, including the architectural design of two community centers, the social study and the community organization of the town's people, the construction works and the design of non formal basic educational curricula to meet the needs of those age groups not served by the formal system.

  3. SEVERAL STATE AND PRIVATE AGENCIES: She coordinated the development of a database with all the buildings of the Venezuelan Elementary and Middle Public Schools, this project involved the following tasks: a) An assessment method for calculating a school building

degree of deterioration b) The data gathering of 400 school buildings c) Database with architectural, electric and sanitary blueprints.

  1. CORPOTURISMO. She coordinated the planning process of tourist circuits and leisure plans at the regional and local level.

  2. Professor of Architectural Design at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, since 1978.

Caracas, July 2001


Born 1930, living in Vienna, free-lance architect since 1959, professor of building design at the Technical University of Vienna since 1977.

Theoretical and practical works for cultural and educational buildings Research work on Adolf Loos and on typology

Exhibitions and Lectures in all parts of the world.

Several national and international awards, Dr.h.c. TU-Brunn, Czech Republic and Budapest, member of the UlA Working Group since 1967.

Some works became nationally and internationally known: SOS-children's' village in India, schools, hospitals, and apartments in Austria, Germany, and other countries. Institute for Behavioral Research in Vienna, the University of Agriculture in Vienna, A Research Station in the Arctic, and currently a Geriatric Center in the building phase.