12 de Setembro

4.° feira/wednesday

Seminario: sessio de trabalho n.° 5 / working session n. 5

Sessao de trabalho n.° 3 / Working Session n. 3

“A Cidade educatora: O territorio natural ou edificado torna-se ele proprio um privilegiado meio didactico” / “The educational city, with its spaces, becomes educational to its inhabitants”


Auditorio FAUP / FAUP Auditorium


Nuno Portas


Mario Bettencourt Resendes, Director Diario de Noticias / Daily newspaper “Diario de Noticias” Director

11:00- 12:30

Intervencoes/ Interventions

Nuno Portas

Apresentacdo do Tema/Presenting the Theme

Manuel Correia Fernandes arq.to

Nelson Izquierdo, Bogota, Colombia

New Educational Facilities in Bogota; Public Spaces for Life Long Learning

Vladimir Damianoc, Bulgaria

The City Like Classroom

Jeff Floyd

Creating the spaces that create the city

Madalena Cunha Matos

As cidades e os campi: contributo para o estudo dos territorios universitarios em Portugal

Prof Belen Caballo Villar, Univ. Sant. Compostela

Cidade Educatoria: perspectivas para a accion local


Almoco / Lunch

Sessao 5 / Session 5 Resumos / Abstracts



Public spaces for life long learning


Nelson Izquierdo


Bogota Colombia



In the last seven years Bogota, the capital city of Colombia, has been engaged in a massive scale development plan aimed to improve the quality of living of its

citizens and to make the city more competitive at the regional level.

Three strategies concerned with the built environment, which were adopted in Bogota, can be pointed out as positive contributors to life long learning in the city. They are intended to make improvements in communications, open public spaces and the stock of school buildings. Examples from recently built projects are shown and some conclusions are proposed.

Improvement of communications

It refers on one hand to storing and handling data, an essential activity in the information age, which improves the non formal education offer in the city. It is well represented by a new virtual network of public schools which gives access to Internet, a new network of public libraries with high standard facilities and a close cooperation scheme with private institutions as MALOKA, an interactive centre of technology with high tech spherical cinema facilities.

On the other hand, to establishing a public transport system - a real must in a 6'5 million inhabitant city — which provides a unique informal education experience as it let people discover the diverse spatial and social fragments from which the city is made of. It is represented by "Transmilenio", the new light surface transport system composed by hundreds of high standard buses running on a purpose built road provided with stops conveniently placed.

Improvement of open public spaces

Public spaces are essential to the city. They allow coexistence and participation, two major assets of any society and an imperative of contemporary education. Well planned open public spaces are like open classrooms where differences can be lived and a sense of tolerance developed.

Bogota has paid especial attention to public spaces where people can stay for a while. New pedestrian ways and alamedas in different area of the city, new civic squares adorned with sculptures made by national artists and parks of different sizes provided with public furniture, lighting and native plants and trees show the interest of the city for getting all its citizens together.

Improvement of the school building stock

Periurban areas are growing rapidly in Bogota. In order to increase enrollment in the basic formal education system — which will be 98% by the end of 2001 — the city is building 52 new school buildings for 950 pupils each.

These buildings are aimed to provide not only new places but also good quality environments in poor settlements, which are mainly inhabited by low income families. Architects have followed carefully the briefs prepared by local authorities and so, current issues as environmental accessibility, security, confort and maintenance have been addressed. These new facilities exceed national norms and standards.

Although entirely new, these new educational projects have a rather conventional brief and plan layout. There is still much team work to do among school planners. architects and communities in order schools to get the most of the autonomy proposed by the new law of education. Spatial change is still to come.


The work accomplished by the city until now has had positive effect on its citizens. Transmilenio is transporting 8'5 million people per month and open public spaces have become extremely popular. Recent surveys have found people to be more optimistic and pride about the city. However school buildings, where pupils spend their most formative years, are still isolated by fences. A real contradiction for any public space.

In the years to come it will be necessary to make emphasis on participation processes as they may find alternatives to the school built environment and express the real richness and diversity of our multicultural society.

Bogota. July 31, 2001.


Creating the Spaces that create the City


W. Jeff Floyd, Jr., FAIA

This presentation will illustrate several contemporary urban centres that have become major focal points of their cities for the people who live, work and visit them. Discussion will include Peachtree Centre in Atlanta,

Embarcadero Centre in San Francisco,

Shanghai Centre in Shanghai

and Marina Square in Singapore.

The presentation will discuss the creation of these "city centres" and how they play important roles in each city for their people and how we can learn lessons from their successes. Each of these centres has restored an underused part of the city and brought new life to a major part of its city. These centres have become major destinations and in many ways have helped define the city for its people.


Arquitecturas universitarias e espacos urbanos: exemplos portugueses


Madalena Cunha Matos

ICIST - Institute de Engenharia de Estruturas, Territorio e Constnicao
Departarnento de Engenharia Civil e Arquitectura, Institute Superior Tecnico
Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa
Tel. (351)(21) 8418345, Fax (351)(21) 8418344
E-mail: madalena@civil.ist.utl.pt

Resumo de Comunicacdo

A comunicacdo identifica em Portugal os casos paradiernaticos da relacao essencial que corn o corpo da cidade tem as Universidades. Perspectiva esses casos num quadro internacional e procura dar a conhecer o sentido da evolucao da forma material da Universidade publica em Portugal.

Um trabalho de investigacao que produziu em 1999 uma tese de doutoramento intitulada AS CIDADES E OS CAMPI: CONTRIBUTO PARA 0 ESTUDO DOS TERRITORIOS UNIVERSITARIOS EM PORTUGAL esta na origem da recolha e oreanizacao da materia a apresentar.


Cidade Educadora: perspectivas para a action local


Prof. Belen Caballo Villar

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Espana)

Resumo da intervention:

Que desafios presenta a actual sociedade globalizada as realidades locals? Que alternativas se van debuxando?

A Cidade Educadora, no escenario de cambio e transformation social das sociedades contemporineas, vaise perfilando como marco te6rico para a xenese de actions orientadas a entender o territorio como espacio educativo, necesitando dunha Administration Local Relacional para a sua formation e consolidation.

Como referente, ofrece neste momento alternativas creativas e innnovadoras de action sociocultural na medida en que nela estan implicitos unha serie de elementos que converxen na delimitation deste territorio educative. o que aportan trascendencia e multiples significados de caracter pedagoxico e social: asociacionismo, desenvolvemento cultural, politicas socioeducativas, participation, acceso a espacios e recursos, sociedade civil, animation sociocultural. coordination, descentralizacian, planificacion estratexica, oreanizacion e action comunitaria, traballo en rede.

0 concepto de Cidade Educadora esti a poner de manifesto a estreita relation existente entre os espacios naturals e construidos e as posibilidades educativas, culturais e, en definitiva, de calidade de vida dos cidadans: evidenciando a responsabilidade dos diferentes

axentes presences no territorio de cara a sua consecution.


Resumo da intervencao:

Cidade Educadora: perspectivas para a accao local

Que desafios se apresentam na actual sociedade globalizada face as realidades locais? Que alternativas se desenham?

A Cidade Educadora. no cenario de mudanca e transformacao social das sociedades contemporaneas, perfila-se como urn quadro teorico na genese das accOes orientadas ao entendimento do territorio como espaco educativo. necessitando-se de uma Administracao Local Relacional para a sua formacao e consolidacao.

Como referencia. oferece neste momento alternativas criativas e inovadoras de act ao sociocultural, na medida em que estao implicitos uma serie de elementos que convergem para a delimitacao deste territorio educativo, e que transcendem os multiplos significados de caracter pedagO2ico e social: associativismo, desenvolvimento cultural, politicas socio-educativas, participacao, acesso a espacos e recursos, sociedade civil, animacao sociocultural, coordenagao, descentralizacao, planificacao estrategica, organizacao e accao comunitaria, trabalho em rede.

0 conceito de Cidade Educadora manifesta a estreita relaclo existente entre os espacos naturais e construidos e as possibilidades educativas, culturais e, cm definitivo, de qualidade de vida dos cidadaos; evidenciando a responsabilidade dos diferentes agentes presentee no territorio perante a sua consecucao.