Breda-01: Seminar introductory notes

Seminar contents

Section 1: seminar introductory notes
---IJpelaar Table of contents
---Welcome message
---Organising committee
---List of UIA delegates
---List of participants
Section 2: mainly de IJpelaar 20je94
---IJpelaar programme Monday 20je94
---IJpelaar programme Tuesday 21je94
---Presentation "Re-use of buildings saves money, the environment, culture and atmosphere"
---Declaration of Interdependence for a Sustainable Future
---Presentation: "Re-allocation in relation to sustainable building" Duijvestein
Section 3: mainly de IJpelaar 21je94
---List of cases
---Presentation "Museum De Pont in an old wool mill" Crouwel
---Presentation "Roman Catholic Church as Theater" Greiner
---Presentation "The Town Hall of Bishop Auckland" Ainsworth
---Presentation "Reanimation of a skeleton" Bosma
---Presentation "New Life for Older Schools" Castellana
---Presentation "The restoring and extension of the Central University Library, Bucharest" Swoboda
Section 4: mainly Amsterdam excursion 22je94
---Summary of the plenary discussions of 20-21 June 1994
---Presentation "International Institute of Social History" van Beek and Kloosterman
---Presentation "The Gerardus Majella church"
---Presentation "From brewery to fashion academy"
---Presentation "An utopian artists village in Amsterdam"
Section 5: mainly workgroup items 23je94
---Workgroup meeting notes
---Presentation "Re-allocation of buildings - a concrete example" Wahlstrom
---Presentation "Re-allocation of buildings in Hungary" Jeney
---Presentation "Re-allocation of Mosques for the use of Educational and Cultural Purposes" Shehata
---Presentation "Re-allocating historic buildings in cultural functions in Khartoum " Ahmad
---Presentation "Educational buildings in Indian context" Wandrekar
---Contribution "EDUCATION FOR ALL" CENTERS IN VENEZUELA" Millan and Melendez
---Contribution "ORT Technical school, Buenos Aires" Schneider


Table of contents

Welcome message

Organizing committee

General information

List of U.I.A.-delegates

List of Dutch participants

Seminar program

Introduction on the theme (article)

Chicago declaration

List of keynote-speakers

Introduction by prof. ir. C.A.J. Duijvestein Introduction by drs. A.L.L.M. Asselbergs Introduction by prof. H. de Jonge

Introduction by mr. C.J.D. Waal

Introduction by drs. H.W.M. Schoof

List of cases

Case 'De Pont' by W.M. Crouwel

Case 'De Maagd' by O. Greiner

Case 'Town Hall of Bishop Auckland' by B. Ainsworth

Case 'Wolters Noordhoff' by K. Rijnboutt

Case 'New Life for Older Schools' by J. Castellana

Case 'University Library Bucarest' by P. Swoboda

Case 'Het Arsenaal' by Tj. Dijkstra

Case 'New life for Michael's Hill' by Y. Hertz

Case 'Sustainable urban planning in Breda' by A.W. Hartman

Case 'Re-allocation of two educational buildings' by J. Schneider

Case 'IJpelaar' by L. Rienks

List of supporting funds and exhibitions

Welcome message

The Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA) and the Organizing committee of the Workgroup 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels' of the Union Internationale des Architectes (UIA) is fortunate to host the UIA-delegates and other participants of the seminar 'Re-allocation of Buildings' in the city of Breda, The Netherlands as it is an eminent group of inspired professionals and global citizens.

The wide variety of participants of this seminar shows the interest in the integral approach to change 're-allocation by accident' into 're-allocation by plan'. Not only architectural and physical planning, but also political, governmental, educational, ecological and cultural aspects are part of this process of change. This explains why policymakers, administrators, scientists, planners, architects, financial experts and contractors are participating.

Re-use and re-allocation of buildings is not a new phenomenon. However in recent years new impulses have been added to the discussion to 'recycle' existing buildings and to design new buildings that are sustainable. As chairman of the Organizing committee it gives me great satisfaction that the choosen theme: Re-allocation of Buildings; a sustainable future for educational and cultural spaces? is a logical continuation of the UIA-congress 'Designing for a sustainable future' in Chicago, June 1993. We have translated the theme into the challenging thesis 'Re-allocation contributes to sustainable building'. We call upon all participants to deny this thesis or to assent to it.

On behalf of the 'Dutch delegation' we wish you a fruitful and inspiring seminar in the city of Breda.

Luut Rienks,

Chairman of the Organizing committee.

Organizing committee

The members of the organizing committee are:

  • Mr. R. Almeida,

Chief Educational Architecture Unit Unesco,

member of the Work Group 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels';

  • Mrs. A. Goodwin-Diaz,

Educational Architecture Unit Unesco,

member of the Work Group 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels';

  • Mr. Y. Michail,

secretary of the Work Group 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels';

  • Mrs. B.E.M. Visser-Kuipers, foreign relations' secretary of the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects BNA;

  • Mr. L.J. Rienks,

managing director Rienks-Van Poppel, architects and engineers, Breda, member of the Work Group 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels',

chairman of the Organizing committee;

  • Mr. W. Fielmich,

Chief external consultancy Government Building Agency, member of the Work Group 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels';

  • Mr. M.J.M. Regouin,

managing director of the College of Fine Arts and Design St. Joost, Breda;

  • Mr. C.C. van der Zwet,

managing director Borgersstede by,

member of the Work Group 'Espaces Educatifs et Culturels'.

General information

The seminar will be held in the congresshall of 'IJpelaar', the accommodation of the College of Fine Arts and Design St. Joost. Coffee and lunch will be served in the chapel. For the participants who have asked for hotelaccomodation we have made reservations in Hotel Brabant and Hotel Breda. On the front page of the seminarpapers you will find in which hotel there is a reservation on your name.

From 17 June until 22 June 1994 there will be an exhibition in Upelaar as well. The graduates of St. Joost show their works in this week. We highly recommend to visit this exhibition during the seminar.

For all information about the seminar please contact the members of the organizing committee or the supporting staff that can be recognized by their coloured badges.

List of UIA-delegates

Mrs. Gunna Adlercreutz, Helsinki, Finland

Mr. prof. Adil Mustafa Ahmad, Khartoum, Sudan

Mr..1Bill Ainsworth, Newcastle upon Tune, Great Brittain

Mr. prof. Fred Buhler, Muenchen, Germany

Mrs. Maria Conceicao Braz de Oliveira, Lisboa, Portugal

Mr./ John J. Castellana, Bloomfield Hills - Michigan, United States of America

Mr. Vladimir Damianov, Sofia, Bulgaria

Mr./Jan Dolejsi, Bratislava, Slovakia

Mr,/ Zeev Druckman, Kiriyat Ono, Israel

Mr. Jorge Farelo Pinto, Lisboa, Portugal

Mr./Wim Fielmich, Lelystad, The Netherlands

Mrs. Anne Goodwin-Diaz, Paris, France

MrsjEva Gurney, Harare, Zimbabwe

Mr.JYaacov Hertz, Maccabim, Israel

Mr. Jose Luis Jimeno Garcia, Madrid, Spain

Mr.jtajos Jeney, Budapest, Hungaria

Mrs! Lourdes Mellendez, Caracas, Venezuela

MrJYannis Michael, Athene, Greece

Mr. Joao Honorio de Mello Filho, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Mr. A. Eduardo Milian, Caracas, Venezuela

MriDick Mooij, Breda, The Netherlands

Mrs,)Betty Politi, Tel Aviv, Israel

Luut Rienks, Breda, The Netherlands

Mr 'prof. Salah Shehata, Cairo, Egypt

Mr)Petre Swoboda, Bucarest, Roumania

Mr. Claude Verdugo, Rabat, Marocco

Mr. S.H. Wandrekar, Bombay, India

Mr. David Young, GabOrone, Z'oNtretrrove

Mr. Jacobo Schneider, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mr. prof. Anton Schweighofer, Vienna, Austria

Mr:Jprof. 011e Wahlstrom, Stockholm, Sweden

Mr..kees van der Zwet, Alphen (N-Br), The Netherlands

Guests of the UIA-workgroup:

Mr. Enrique Altuna, Beunos Aires, Argentina

Mrs. Aviva Kinnar, Jerusalem, Israel

Mr. Felipe de J. Prado Amarillas, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Mr. Eduardo Lopez Rivarola, Buenos Aires, Argentina

List of participants

Mr. P.G.J. Aben, Min. van 0 en W, Projectorgan. DH2O, Zoetermeer

Mr. ir. D.J.A.M. van Alphen, Sprangers Bouwbedrijven B.V., Breda

Mr. K.I. Ang, Den Haag

Mr. drs. S. Arbeek, Uitleg - I.C.S., Gouda

Mr. ir. P.M.A. Baaijens, Ballast Nedam Utiliteitsbouw BV, Amstelveen

Mr. T. Balt, Stichting Architekten Research Onderwijsgebouwen, Amsterdam

Mr. ing. A. Beijer, Amersfoort

Mrs. A. Budding, Technische Universiteit Delft, Delft,

Mr. P. Buring, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Huisvesting, Amsterdam

Mr. ir. L.M. Dewever, Milieuhygiene voor de Rijkshuisvesting, Nijmegen

Mr. H. Dijkstra, Friesland College, Leeuwarden

Mrs. M. Dirven, Ingenieursbureau Groenewoud, Breda

Mr. W. van Driessche, DMB-architekten, Hulst

Mr. ir. A.L.M. van Eekelen, PRC management consultants, Bodegraven

Mr. R.B. van Erk, EGM International, Rotterdam

Mr. J. Fransen, Hogeschool Nijmegen, afd. huisvesting, Nijmegen

Mr. ir. H.E.J. Gelsing, Boag by, Rotterdam

Mr. Th. Geursen, Maassluis

Mrs. ir. E.M. Hageman, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Huisvesting, Groningen

Mr. R. Hagens, APP All Remove b.v., Beers

Mr. ir. A.J. van der Have, Landbouw Univ., Gebouwen & Terreinen, Wageningen

Mr. K. Heerdink, Utrecht

Mr. ir. J.G. Heijnen, Min. van Landbouw, dir. Landbouwonderwijs, Den Haag

Mr. ing. J.C. Helders, Korteweg Bouw en Aanneming Mij. by, Breda

Mr. G.J. Hessels, Hogeschool Holland, afd. Huisvesting, Diemen

Mr. M.J. Hoefeijzers, Midveld College, Dordrecht

Mrs. ir. R. Hoogendoorn, Twijnstra Gudde, Amersfoort

Mr. ir. A. Jansen, Min. van 0 en W, afdeling Infra C.F.I., Zoetermeer

Mr. J. Jansen, Hogeschool West-Brabant, Huisvesting, Breda

Mr. drs. B.G. Jeene, Eromes B.V., Wijchen

Mr. ing. J. de Jonge, Biesbosch College, Dordrecht

Mr. ir. N. Jonkman, Hollandsche Beton Maatschappij BV, Rijswijk

Mr. ir. L. van der Kemp, Min. van 0 en W, Projectorgan. DH2O, Zoetermeer

Mr. A.P.G. Kerssemakers, Catherine College, Utrecht

Mr. drs. M. Koeman, Rijkshogeschool Uselland, Deventer

Mr. W. de Laat, Rijksgebouwendienst, afd. Huisvestingszaken, Schiedam

Mr. R.F. Laurens Janse, SMT-projekten, Veghel

Mrs. J. Laval, Ministerie van Defensie, Huisvesting Koninklijke Marine, Den Haag

Mr. ing. R.A.H. Lith, PRC management consultants, Bodegraven

Mr. G.L.S. van Leeuwen, Van Mourik-Vermeulen architecten, Den Haag

Mr. ir. G.J. Meijer, Informatie & Advies Centrum Schoolaccommodaties, Gouda

Mr. J.W.D. Naber, Hogeschool Economische Studies, Huisvesting, Amsterdam

Mr. P. Nuijs, APP All Remove b.v., Beers

Mr. M.M. Olivier, Architekten- en ingenieursbureau De Weger, Rotterdam

Mr. ir. D.P. Oterdoom, Rijkshogeschool Groningen, afd. Bouwkunde, Groningen

Mr. ir. D.W. van Ouwerkerk, Arch.bur. Bokhorst-Van Ouwerkerk-Geesink, Arnhem

Mr. J.A.L. van Poppel, Rijsbergen

Mr. dr. C.M. Rehorst, Hogeschool voor Beeldende Kunsten, Den Haag

Mr. M.J.M. Regouin, Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten St. Joost, Breda

Mr. F.G.M. Rentinck, Matrixbouw, Montfoort

Mr. C.G. Remmelink, Matrixbouw, Montfoort

Mr. M. Remmerswaal, Matrixbouw, Montfoort

Mr. I.A.E.C. Roelandt, Zadkine College, Afdeling Facilitair Bedrijf, Rotterdam

Mr. L.T.M. Rompelberg, Twijnstra Gudde, Amersfoort

Mr. K. van Roon, Gemeente Breda, Breda

Mr. drs. R. van Rossen, Universiteit Utrecht, Huisvesting, Utrecht

Mr. ing. T.A.J. Rouwhorst, Bureau Monumentenzorg Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Mr. T. van der Schaaf, Eromes B.V., Wijchen

Mr. A. Schenk, Prov. Nrd-Brabant, Bur. Kunsten & Oudheidkunde, Den Bosch

Mr. P.G.M. Schippers, Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Huisvesting, Amsterdam

Mr. M. Seghers, Studiegroep Dirk Bontinck, Gent, Belgie

Mr. mr.drs. J. van Spengen, Min. van Financien, Directie Domeinen, Den Haag

Mr. P. Storm, Storm Advies, Amsterdam

Mr. J. van Stuijvenberg, Architekten- en ingenieursbureau De Weger, Rotterdam

Mr. C. Sweens, Gemeente Nijmegen, afd. Onroerend Goed, Nijmegen

Mr. R.G. Tersteege, Rijkshogeschool Uselland, afd. huisvesting, Deventer

Mrs. A.P.M. Tiebosch, APP All Remove b.v., Beers

Mr. B. van der Togt, INBO Architekten BNA, Woudenberg

Mr. H. van der Veen, Henk van der Veen Architekten, Delft

Mr. mr. D. van der Veer, Bond van Nederlandse Architekten, Amsterdam

Mr. P.G. Vermeulen, Van Mourik-Vermeulen architecten, Den Haag

Mr. A.L.S. Vermey, IGB Bouw- & Aannemingsmaatschappij, Breda

Mrs. B.E.M. Visser - Kuipers, Bond van Nederlandse Architekten, Amsterdam

Mr. C.A. de Vries, Informatie & Advies Centrum Schoolaccommodaties, Gouda

Mr. J.G.A. Vlemmix, Techn. Universiteit, Bouwtechnische Dienst, Eindhoven

Mr. C.J. Weeber, Bond van Nederlandse Architekten, Amsterdam

Mr. ir. J.G. Wijnja, Witteveen en Bos - Raadgevende ingenieurs, Deventer

Mrs. B.M. Witmer, Randstedelijke Opleidings Centrum, Amsterdam

Mr. ir. J.E.B. Wittermans, OD 205 Architectuur, Delft


Borgersstede 9 5131 NX Alphen Phone / Fox


Mr. ir. W. Woensdregt, Abma + Dirks + Partners, Deventer

Mr. H.G. van de Woord, Min. van 0 en W, afdeling C.F.I., Zoetermeer

Mr. M. Wuyts, Studiegroep Dirk Bontinck, Gent, Belgie

Mr. A.K. van der Zee, Gemeente Breda, Breda

Mr. W.L. van Zuylen, Ministerie van 0 en W, afdeling Infra C.F.I., Zoetermeer

For their professional help the organizing committee wishes to thank:

Mr. Stefan Hengst, who designed logo and lay-out of the papers and the brochures

Mrs. Saskia van den Berg, Maastricht interpreter

Mr. Jo Heyvaert, Antwerpen, Belgie interpreter

Mrs. Martine Kouwenhoven, Capelle aan de Ussel interpreter

Mrs. Bettine van der Vaart, Maastricht interpreter

Mr. Ronald Wolvekamp, Rotterdam reporter

Mrs. Letty van der Zwet, Amstelveen secretary

Mr. Nils van der Zwet, Eindhoven assistant-manager

List of participants - supplement

Mr. ing. G. Alblas, Ballast Nedam Utiliteitsbouw BV, Amstelveen

Mr. J. van Bennekom, Rijksgebouwendienst, Den Haag

Mr. M. Herweijer, DHV architecten en ingenieurs, Eindhoven

Mr. C.T.H. van Rongen, Technische Universiteit Delft, faculteit Bouwkunde, Delft

Mr. A.W. Wichers Hoeth, DHV architecten en ingenieurs, Amerfoort

The organizing committee also wishes to thank:

Mr. Pierre Peeters, Eindhoven photographer

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